My laptop just booted into windows from OSX and it ALMOST tried to install windows 10 on me. NOT GETTING ME FUCKERS.
Edit: Very funny edit mods
My laptop just booted into windows from OSX and it ALMOST tried to install windows 10 on me. NOT GETTING ME FUCKERS.
Edit: Very funny edit mods
Considering the free upgrade ended 2 months ago I find it hard to believe.
I know someone who has had 2 upgrades happen in the last month, he tried for a laugh and it just worked.
Hmm OSX or Windows 10. Just because we don't mention OSX much here doesn't mean its anything better then Windows 10 :p
You can still get the upgrade. Seems like MS doesn't really care. You can also get the upgrade if you use any of the accessibility features, even sticky keys apparently.
For everyday computing OSX is way better than any Windows. I am using it since panther and while it has gotten old in some places and bloated in others, it is still miles ahead in terms of usability. Try an Apple trackpad for a while and then use a Windows laptop again.... Or look at UI scaling on Windows....
yeah true, I never really had the chance to try out apple, but for me in general that avoids me to use it since i don't know what it does under the hood.
I still have to find out how Siri works inside Apple and that kind of stuff.
Microsoft has changed their mind on just about everything about Windows 10. First it was going to be Windows Nein, then it was going to be free open beta until April '15, then it was going to be released July '15, then it was given as free upgrade, then some people were FORCED to make the upgrade, then they said it would last until July '16, then they just decided "ehhh, we don't really care, we fired our QC people, let them have our shit."
And it really is the most atrocious POS.
Oh so is it a POS? I mean other then the privacy invasion bits. I have it on two systems and I haven't had any issues. Although the only thing one of those systems does is play games. Any work or college projects are done on a Linux laptop.
Windows 9 was a bug. Since Windows 95/98 was sometimes refer as Windows 9x.
But yeah they changed there minds extremely often.
It's a POS in that while it is (reasonably) stable, it suffers from all manner of regressions with each update. every setting you change is reset on the next update. I've even had one just forget that it had its activation key and say "activate now!" though it hasn't threatened me with hanging itself yet... which is weird.
The neat thing about the one I have in my main machine is that it was originally a beta OS from like, day two of the first beta, so for some reason I can move it around to as many different machines as I like and it doesn't care.
it's not as bad to use as Windows 8, but it's far more patronizing and babying than Windows 7 or XP and it really doesn't like it when you tell it you don't want your hand held. I really wish they'd have just stuck with XP and kept updating it from there.
@KemoKa73, can confirm win10 is garbage
Had Win10 pro.
Worked great.
Nice and pretty, DX12 fuck yeah.
Aniversary update hit.
Windows updated.
Ran like total shit.
Slow desktop, have Samsung 850 Pro.
icons constantly shifting around after restarts
can kinda look the other way
decide to update my linux drive
linux drive boots into read-only mode
fucking win10 borked my linux drive
go back to win7 pro
none of the above issues.
gg win10.
Yeah I agree, the preference resetting is really annoying. I think I actually disabled updates on my gaming machine to keep stuff stable.
Yeah XP was the bomb, kinda wish they just stuck with updating as well. I mean OS X has been doing it since before XP.
That is the reason you are fine. I also use windows 10 only for games with absolutely no problem at all. But if you use it for general purposes the regressions are really problematic for now. Even big companies have issues in supporting Win 10. My supervisor made the mistake to buy a Levono Think Pad just before the anniversary update and th OS updated itself before Lenovo had the time to support all changes and screwed up everything...
And i am not really accusing Microsoft about the regressions. These can happen with any new OS. If you want to keep things modern you will get regressions. It is the lack of control you have on the update system that creates the issue..
The different versions and sub-versions of Windows 10 are so confusing - they go beyond even the naming scheme and build number. Mine just ignored the Anniversary Update altogether, it's like a Beta Rogue against almost everything. Whereas others woke up one day and it was suddenly updated.
How do you vote with your wallet on something that was basically shoved down your throat without you paying for it?
The saddest thing is that the zombie masses are going to just take it like the obedient little sheeple that they are and give no other complaints than whining bleats that they can't play 3D Pinball anymore. So M$ Windows 10 is here to stay, unfortunately...
Them linux devs need to really up their game or we're gonna be in some serious shit. This is what happens when a company fires ALL of its QC. It HAS no QC. If this were a car or a power tool, they would be shooting themselves in the head or sued into the stone age.
moded Win8.1 actually isn't that bad.
modded being, spybot antibeacon, classic shell.
Nuclear bomb from orbit?
9x was 95 and 98.
Okay so few things, don't edit my post titles, don't believe anything microsoft says, and yes OSX is infinitely better than windows EXCEPT FUCKING XP. XP is my shit and I'm never going to not love it.
So heres where MY problems are for 10 @Dynamic_Gravity :P
When I have ever used my cd for windows 10, which is from dreamspark, it lasts about 6 months and then it dies. This also happens with the "free update", keep in mind. No matter what. It could be an update, most of the time the GPU drivers break and even if I think I've fixed them they just break again. The updates are uncontrollable (even if I turn them off it updates anyways) and it fucking freaks me out when my webcam is still on for 5 minutes after closing OBS. Sometimes the system just doesn't boot, other times it decides it will boot but its like if you have a laptop with nvidia optimus and try to get into a ubuntu live cd and everything is 2 FPS. When I'm lucky the system dies and recently I got a hold of 8.1 which is all the speed of 10 without any of the helmets.
Good fucking job M$. I surmise we make a worm that targets all windows 10 machines on the planet and have it blast the machines and install windows 7, 8, or linux. Hell even give the users a chaice and make it look like its a windows update.
i still use windows xp to this day. have a laptop and a vm that i run games on.