So my local PC shop is full of C****

Some of you guys might remember my post a while back about my CPU that was hitting 100+ degrees.

Well after getting my dad to go there they told him that 85-90c is normal, so dad told me and I said no it's not and i'm also getting more like 95-100, so I logged some CPU stress tests (Heavy Load and Burn In Test, both of which are shit and don't do much temperature wise as you'll find out later) and the core's temps were 84,91,92,93.

So dad took back the CPU and showed the results and said that the english guy there (all the rest are asian) said something along the lines of "It's fucking fine, the fucking CPU can get up to 105c and it'll be fine".


Now me not being a complete and utter mother fucking idiot knows that intel CPUs are designed to hit 85c and be fine and not more.


I played bf3 today and hit over 100c with 4 fans in my fractal case on max speed..

I've down clocked my CPU to 2.0ghz and it's hitting 65c at idle... AT IDLE!


So any idea on how to get these inbred, cock sucking, mother fucking, sobs to refund the god forsaken chip?

Or is it actually ok for the CPU to be hitting 105?.... :|


I'll play bf3 now while you guys read my little rant and i'll update on the 2.0ghz on 4 cores temps.




I've have a 4670K and i've never seen it above 80C. the only time i've seen a temp remotely close to that, was when i first Overclocked my CPU to 4.4Ghz and ran AIDA64 for 20 Minutes.

Granted i have a $70 Noctua NH-U12P with 2 Fan's mounted to it, but I've never heard of an Intel CPU running that high, unless there is shitty CPU cooler installed.

there is only a few things that would cause those temps.

  1. a Crappy CPU cooler
  2. Lack of Thermal Paste.
  3. Your CPU cooler is not mounted Correctly or somewhere to that degree.

Which store in Nz is it... so I can avoid them. Confused as to why you got your dad to go in for you... Go in there yourself angry as fuck - the law is on your side if the product is faulty

Well, he is technically correct, the best kind of correct, about the maximum temperature. Intel rates the tJunction for the Haswell parts at 105C. That is the maximum. after that the system will probably power down to prevent damage.

That being said, those temperatures you are experiencing are not normal and after 90 you will usually see some throttling which means lower performance.

What cooler are you using and are you absolutely sure it and the thermal paste are applied correctly? These parts can hit the mid 80s with a stock cooler so. I'm assuming you have checked it but just ruling everything out here.

Otherwise I would say the CPU is defective. It should not be hitting those temperatures at 2.0Ghz. The TMI between the die and the IHS on those were crap as it is so any issue can cause problems. I would more than likely say your part is defective.

Damn this is almost funny, it's makinf want to cry tears of pain:

At 2.0ghz playing bf3.....

It Blue-screened.

What have I done life to deserve this?!?!


Well I've turned off hyperthreading now. Hopefully my i7 will work well as an i5 from 4 years ago :D

I have the stock cooler on yeah, but it shoudl still keep bellow 90c at least, considering all my fans are on max.

I am hoping to get the Noctua NH-U14s for Christmas but i'm starting to have doubts that it's going to help.

I have also made sure that it's mounted correctly and am using correct amounts of good thermal paste.

I have also NEVER OCed this chip, in fact i'm down clocking as we speak.

DragonPC Christchurch, I didn't go in coz I have a bad sleeping pattern atm and we live rural so I just got my dad to do it while he was at work.

Yeah, i guess he is right but it should be a peak of 105c and not for your whole night gaming with adequate cooling, even though it's a stock cooler and NO OC.

Yeah I'm pretty confident that it's on correctly with good applied and correctly applied paste, I've come some what semi pro at it because of how many times I've had to swap out the chip for the pentium so that I can use my PC while they are pretending to give my dad advice.

Well that is probably your issue why your temps are high as hell.

The Intel Stock Coolers aren't made for Heavy loads, that means gaming, video editing whatever. it's really just there if you are doing minor things. like Web-Browsing, tiny things like that. I bet if you replaced that with a Noctua or Cooler Master Cooler. you wouldn't see those temps. Granted if You are STILL seeing those temps AFTER installing a Noctua or Cooler-Master CPU cooler, THEN you can say "Yes this CPU is faulty as shit"

Remember those temps are not safe with summer right around the corner. Get a day of 25c and you will be hitting tj max. Tell them its hitting 100 in cold ambient conditions and under summer conditions it crashes. Otherwise take them to the small claims court or threaten it at least


I facepalmed pritty hard after reading this post.

To answer your question its way hot. They are cocks.

I have an i7 3770k at 4.6 never hits 70 on a big ass zalmen and runs 30c on idle. My advice go for a non stock cooler. And troubleshoot as much as possible before going back to the shop.

If you look at watts law we know that VxI=W and V/R=I the processor could be loose check the socket hardware on the motherboard to insure a snug fit on the chip. It always makes a crazy scratchy crunch noise on the non pinned intel chips some people get scared and loosen it on install. might explain your instability as well. And sometimes you get a bad IHS on the chip it happens.

I would check the motherboard first. You can do this by 1 checking the socket hardware. 2 testing the motherboard with another chip. 3 trying the chip in another board.

Use intel power gadget to compare current with heat.

If its higher then reported stock you have an inefficient circuit. And its time to RMA. Either the motherboard or the processor.

A couple of verdicts.

1. If low current and high heat then (bad IHS mount)

2. If higher than stock current and high heat then (high resistance chip aka faulty) or (loose motherboard connection.)

Sorry to say but your going to have to do the legwork. Either way buy a new heatsink stock is awful. I would prefer if they didn't even make them and the chips where just cheaper.


Hmm, that's really bad how intel don't supply a cooler to suffice to it's conditions :/

Yeah i'll do that actually and if it stays at bellow 80c on stock speeds with normal fan settings then i'll let it be and they can be happy with their 105c is ok statement, but if it's still hitting 85c or more with a decent Noctua cooler then i'll take some action!

Yeah that's true.

even a cheap cooler master heatsink will do a better job


I have a 4430 (not the same, I know) with the stock cooler and it doesn't get passed 60C when maxed constantly. I am guessing that either 1. You got a bad chip or 2. The cooler isn't installed correctly. If you have thermal paste lying around, try reinstalling it and see it that helps.

It got to 90c at 2ghz 4 cores no hyperthreading.

I've re installed it at least 5 times