So... much... flash

I get to work on our most juiced up server tonight. I’m adding a 3.2TB SSD and 384GB of RAM to an HP DL380 G9. We’ve already got several terabytes of PCI-E based storage but it’s hungry for more.


What is this beast crunching on?

Real time fraud detection on credit cards for a large bank.



Very much I like!!

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I also got 24 RAM slots on my server, of which only petty 8 are in use, sadface.
768GBs of ECC would cost like 12 grand lmao.

I would love to have a 3.2TB SSD and 384GB of RAM, especially when its affordable.

What's it for? SQL? VDI? Funsies?

you're only not allowed to scroll up in The Lounge.


We can all have a bad day. :P

So all told it's at 512GB of RAM and all but 15GB are being sacrificed to SQL. I'm not entirely sure how much PCI-E SSD storage there is but two of the drives already in there were in a 3.2TB RAID 0, plus another drive, plus the one I just added. This is all supported by two 12 core Xeons. This service must be a real money maker for us because I've never seen them be so fast and loose with money for hardware.

At the end of the day, that's a small machine. It's just one server with a lot of IOPS capability. If it were an entire DC full of these things, or a few racks of bladecenters or something that'd be scary expensive.

Edit: not that I can afford one, but in business terms, you know?

Oh yes, I hear you. Most of what we do is rinky dink horsepower wise. Telephony stuff. We dabble here and there though. They would love to sell this fraud detection stuff to more customers. Supposedly they were fast enough to catch the criminal in the parking lot of the store one time.

We're an outfit of about 120 people.

That's so badass. Props. Big data is hard, especially for small outfits.

I wonder if the big Azure / AWS machines are fast enough to run your gear?

It'd be awesome to make some self-scaling apps to do this and sell it to a bank as a service.

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Why is there a heatsink of the PCIe based flash drive? Is it the main NAND controller?


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Even Steve Jobs would approve of this flash.

If I'm correct, that ssd is a 3.2TB FUSION ioMEMORY SX350 from SanDisk. Kind of a weird choice for the company to go with, considering its an older SSD that runs on pcie 2.0.