So im thinking of getting a AMD 8 Core prossesor

so what is the best bang for your buck? Maybe the 8350? or should i go ballz to the wall and get a 9590

an 8320, some 100 dollar motherboard with a decently robust powerphase and a 30-45 dollarish air cooler. That is where AMD 8 core builds make the most sense these days. You can do the same with an 8350 I guess since the price difference between the 8320 and 8350 is like the price of a heatsink but skip the 9590 for sure.

The 9590 is too power hungry and hot to justify the tiny speed increase over the 8350. I would get an 8350, or 8320, and get it to a 4.4ghz to 4.5ghz overclock. I feel like thats usually around the best combo of voltage and heat output for the average 8350/8320.

I would second the 8350. Best value for money I believe.

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TO be completely honest.... You can get an i5 4690K.... and a decent motherboard and that will probably beat your AMD 8 core in most applications... Honestly.. Wait and invest your money in a good intel 8 core if you need an 8 core system.. but if you have to go amd... go with the 8350... the 9590 is just ridiculous and only the hi end ROG Asus board of the am3+ platform will probably be able to handle that amount of power.. there are good intel value systems that beat the AMD 8 core by a lot

Topic moved to CPU section.

Anyway, if you look at a gaming cpu, then i would recommend a 4690K.
its better at gaming then anything AMD has to offer right now.

But offcourse a FX8350 would not be bad either, depends on the games you play, and how you play them.
And of course which GPU you are looking at.

If you can nab some variant of an FX-8-core for roughly $130 bucks, it is a pretty good investment. The ASRock 970 Performance is a pretty good motherboard to pair with it.

Any particular reason you are contemplating an AMD 8-core?

If you are looking for a good general picture of price to performance, you can check out passmark's website. You can search for a cpu by name and compare the price to performance. Per the image below, the FX-8320 is your best bang for the buck. All of these values are are based on Passmark's benchmarks and may not be true across the board. However this data for the most part holds true.

I am currently running an 8350 which I love. I tend to buy Intel cpus for clients far more than AMD. I like AMD as a company but am having difficulty sticking with them when Intel's stuff is so much faster... Im going to make this 8350 last as long as possible before I switch to Intel.


Would also reccomend the 4690k. This is also coming from an AMD person. You can run the stock cooler fairly quiet at stock speeds with undervolting, and the z97 motherboards have way better features for the money.


4690k... If you already have an AMD Mobo, save up some money to switch over, you won't regret it.
AMD really needs to set up their game, single core performance is too poor to run Unity games.

I play KSP alot :P but i heard that the new Unity 5 with better utilize multicore. so AMD 's Eight core might be a good choice. also i can over clock an AMD prossecor to have the same Single thread to a i-5


i can over clock an AMD prossecor to have the same Single thread to a i-5

Even at 5GHz an FX8350 can't match a locked i5 at single threaded operations. An i5-3570 turbo boosted to 3.6GHz gets a single thread geekbench score over 3500, an overclocked FX 83xx will barely get to 3000 and you will have invested good time and money (on a good mobo and heatsink) to get there.

If I was building a new gaming machine for someone else I would use an i5 everytime, any cheap H97 or Z97 mobo will do; you can even get by with the stock cooler to start off with if not overclocking, plus the internal graphics can be useful from time to time. However, if I was building for myself I might still use an FX 83xx just because... (I used an X4 860K in my last build).

If you do a strictly gaming PC then yes a i5 would be the better choice. If you want to also use it for other more productivity related stuff then the 8350 is the best value for the money. Great in productivity, and capable in gaming.

Well now that I have a good Jo I'm thinking of getting a i7 6core. I really need both single threaded performance and multithreaded performance. I play alot of CPU intensive games

Buy what best suits your needs and budget and don't get caught up in the whole AMD vs Intel thing. They both are great and some are better at certain things then others. The tek is pretty good at keeping level headed but others places on the internet is just full of fanboys about this topic. I have fx-8350 and two 970s and it works perfect for me playing games at 60fps @ 1440p. I would say that intel does have better options at the moment cause they are new and AMD fx series is showing some age. But it is still going well. If your not planning on upgrading in a year or so maybe then go with intel, cause AMD Zen should be out in a year.

That's a waste for gaming, grab a 4690k or 4790k

not a good advice... he should wait little bit more... both intel and amd will release their new cpu's around this summer...

in all honesty if you can find a phenom II X6 1090T or 1100T i would grab that over an 8350. they are amazing chips for there age. they have better IPC than the amd FX processors little bit better thermals and overclock like a champ. i have a 8350 and a 1100T. if i over clock my 1100T to 4.2 and clock my 8350 to 4.8 i get about the same IPC on both. big massive disclaimer i have a noctua NH-D14 and i am not using the stock fans i am using delta 5k rpm fans that are screamers at full tilt to cool my 8350 and my 1100T. if you do not want to push limits like i am then a modest 3.9 O.C on a 1100T is easily doable by most dual tower air coolers and stock fans, and a modest 4.4 O.C on a 8350 will perform about the same as the 3.9 1100T

i have noticed in games like gta V crisis 2 and metro 2033 that my oc'd 1100T has better minimum frame rates and a slightly better average frame rate. using a 290 at 1050 on the core and 1300 on the memory. if windows 10 and dx12 pan out both processors should have about 5 more years of life in them for gaming. if its a wash maybe 2-3 years of gaming life at best.

Not good advice sorry