So I received 4 R9 280s for Free

Technically my big brother gave me 2 R9 280s but he told me that if I wanted more he still got 2 more, also he gave me a 1000W PSU to power the upgrades.

I'm considering on just upgrading my current PC instead of buying a new rig.

Planning on doing a 3 way Crossfire cuz I think the 1000w PSU can only support up to 3 GPUs. Is 4 way possible?

Oh from what i heard my CPU will be able to handle this. Its's a AMD Phenom II X6 1055t

So yea.

Also can you guys recommended a new mobo? The Asus Crosshair formula Z is abit too expensive for me.

I'm not 100% certain on that CPU. It might choke if you crank up certain games too much, like ARMA maybe.

by choke you mean?

Better have some cooling to support that, 3-4 GPU's will get HOT. 

I mean bottleneck. It might hold the GPUs back.

Yeap I'll be adding more fans to the PC

It will bottleneck. That's an old CPU to pair with a lot of GPU power. Seefyb seek the 4th and upgrade your CPU to a modern fx or an i5

+1 Are there any i5's that have enough PCIe lanes to support 4 x16 PCIe cards?

do a three card setup, sell the fourth to get more dolla, and buy a better cpu and mobo. Then play ALL the games.

I second this idea. Plenty of people would buy a 280.

I see alright I guess I'll buy an FX-8350 I will probably do a 3 way set up instead

Sounds like a plan.

How much would you be looking to sell one for?

I would if you live in Hong Kong. Shipping to another country would be costly right?

Maybe just a bit. I don't live in Hong Kong, so, of course, it would be cheaper to buy from someone in the states or just new. Unless I wanted to rip you of.

Every now and then I think of getting a 280 to crossfire with my 7950 but I never can really seem to justify it.

The PSU will handle it if it is good quality. The CPU will  bottleneck, so get the cheapest mobo that supports 4-way SLI and get an Intel i5 4460. 

was your bro mining?

yea he was.

If you run a  3 way crossfire, I'd suggest getting an i7