SO GTA Runs very well on my R9 270x 4GB. except very high shadows

SO... GTA V runs at 80-90 fps on my R9 270x 4GB OC. but,... for some reason shadows doesnt? i cant max out shadows. all Setting i can max out except shadows. i have leave them on high. (and extended scaling distance. but thats obvious.) but why shadows? i mean i get 80-90 FPS maxed out so i would think the shadoiws would bring it down only a few FPS moving from high to weryhigh?

My brother is saying the same thing. He uses a r9-290 on a 1366x768 display, you would think ultra wouldn't be a problem. I run mine on high with a 980, must have been the shadows causing the stuttering issue the whole time.

Ill test it in SP seeming as I can't go online for 2 months - I was bored, used mods online and got banned again.

yeah but its fixed when i turn on my second card. but then i get microstutters but very high fps. but then the fix the microstutters is to run it in default mode and turn open gl tripple buffer off. then the microstutters stop. and you get still high fps with everything maxed "exsept extended distance i keep the slider at half"

270x's are bad crossfire card, that are known to have no repeatable reason for microstutter. That's been something users have had issues with since the original 7870 was released years ago.

The real question here is... Why do you have a 4Gb 270x? Seems kinda pointless imo.

I would say the reason it can't handle it is because the gpu itself is to weak. It's gotta put shadows on a lot of stuff.

I can't get mine anywhere over 60 with a R9 290 and a AMD FX-8120. Do you mind capping your settings?


for one GTA V needs atleast 4GBs of Vrams and thats not true. i just said it its older yes. and its the bottom card from amd's R9 200 series. but its still powerfull enough to drive GTA V at 60 FPS at ultra. (except shadows. which i think might just be an optimization glitch) so when i use my R9 270x its good for 720-1080p gaming. i personally use a 1360x768p Screen so i dont need a titan x just to max out everything on GTA. also i have a i7 4790K. which helps alot. my old CPU (AMD Athlon II x4 860K) was way bottlenecking my R9 270x.

You, wha- what? You have a 4790k i7 and 768p resolution screen? Why not take $100 out of the CPU, grab a 4690k and get a 1080p monitor? Seems like the better trade off to me.

Anyway, maybe you can max everything but shadows at 768p, but that's where the buck stops. Now you have to decide whether you want to turn up shadows and turn something down, or roll with it as it is. At 1080p you are not getting ultra settings on a 270x. Benchmarks up anywhere will tell you that.

GTA V doesn't need 4Gb. Plenty of people are playing on 750s. Most of those come with either 1 or 2 Gb ram.

yeah but at low settings lol and i need that cpu for other games i play like KSP and which need Powerful CPUs to drive the physics. i would have gone witha i5 or even a FX 8350. but the i7 is great.

If either of those games really needed that CPU nobody would have picked it up.

Well KSP is a very poorly optimized game. whenKSP is updated to Unity 5 then CPU wount make a diffrence. and Beam ng drive is based almost soly on Physics. so it needs a better cpu

But the only difference between the i5 and i7 is HT which doesn't work in games...

Not the only difference, the i7 also has an extra 2MBs of L3 cache.

Yeah true but it doesn't make that much of a difference.

yeah but its also clocked at 4.4Ghz. and its Single threaded preformance is 400 points higher