I'm a bit conflicted in regards to this mod. It's largely a visual mod, leaving much of the core game play as it was... so that's good. But I kind of go back and forth as to whether or not I like what they have done. Some things I see and think "That looks pretty good!", and then I'll see something else and think "Jesus, that looks worse than the original?".
It seems a lot of work went into lighting, and some more or less cosmetic redesigns of the levels or set pieces (which for the most part, looks great). There's clearly been some texture work as well, but a lot of it looks to simply be up scaled versions of the original textures (or faithful recreations) which don't really look very good at high resolutions. A lot of the concrete textures for example seem to be nearly identical to what was in the original game, and look horrible at higher resolutions, at least to my eye.
Some of it may be because it's unfinished, or because of the limitations within the engine it's self. So I don't want to be too critical of it, but I just can't help it lol. So, I don't know. Like I said. I'm conflicted. I'll check it out when it's released, but I'm having a hard time getting excited for it. Anyone else have any thoughts?