First of all, take a look at my new Arch I installed today.
Guys, is amazing. Arch is amazing. Thanks to Brennan for his dirty guide. Seriously, Arch is fucking
amazing. Amazing. HOLY F-- Ok enough. Just want to say that I liked the system.
And right now, I'm going back to my old Manjaro with my old 3.10 kernel. Why?
I don't even know.
Well, you know, I play Dota 2. A lot. And with my HD6670 (pretty old, I know) I always
get enough FPS to play nicelly. I started linux on manjaro and always looked forward for an
Arch installation.
So today I did it. Installed the OS and after some troubles with the video card (OH REALLY!)
I finally make it: Arch on my setup, bitchs. Well, fuck. Not for too long.
It works well until I open my Dota. Then, I discovered that my performance with my video card
is just fucked up. My FPS, that usually was 60~65 just fell to 28~30.
Well, catalyst 14.10 was released a few days ago, it's confusing. I did a lot of things, fixing
bugs and etc, and nothing worked. I don't know what to do, but I know that I don't want to stay
with a bugged GPU driver.
"Ok, fuck you Mathias, what's the point?" Well, ok. Manjaro is ok and all...... FUCK, ARCH IS AWESOME.
Guys seriously, it gave me and my friend a lot of trouble to install it, and if anyone know something
that can help us out, I'm certain you'd post it here.
Thank you all for the attention.
Arch is AWESOME.