Snaps In Arch: Can they be imported?

So I got antsy and swapped back to arch (not like it really slows me down at all to be honest) and I’m 50/50 on having snaps or just using flatpaks and not caring. Convenient thing is that I have my snaps folder with stuff like mailspring and whatnot in it as well as other apps that I had installed in pop_os.

If I can run my system on arch with minimal need for pacman managed app updates I’m good with that, and if it has to be flatpak I don’t really give a shit, but is there a way I can take the snaps from my snap folder and just boop them in? Or does it detect that automatically and I just need a reboot?

Have you tried this? You could symlink/loopmount the folder so you don’t have to waste time copying.

This askubuntu question might help you out:

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Hey I’ll try it. I dunno how to google for this.

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owait if I install the snaps from their websites they’ll just work right


They should, it’s a package that includes all the required ABIs.

So would it import the previous snap’s settings?

Probably not.

Those settings might be in your .local dir though.

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