(snake sounds)

This morning I spent sometime reading how I should organize my program. I now see I need to define a series of functions that will then be called in a main function name. I am also thinking I will need to define a class for my madlibs.
I spent some time reading about time and dates, which would have been helpful a couple days ago lol :grin: I looked more closely at functions and lamba functions. Finally, I created by .py file that I will be using to create my program. In it I wrote comments for what functions, as of now, I think I will need and what they should do.

On a semi unrelated note I had to write a psychology paper last week and noticed I keep replacing ‘get’ with ‘git’ :man_facepalming:t2:


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It happens.

You are starting to think like a software engineer. You are making good progress. We need more like you in the trenches.


Today, I spent more time looking at classes and objects. I looked at how to create modules and where to to store them, and I spent some time working on the begin function in my madlib generator. I was able to solve problem 18 on hackinscience



Today, I looked at how I/O works in python . I made some more updates to the first function in my program, and I also answered problem 19 on hackinscience. Someone on the sys_admin forum said I should be using vim if I wanted to be a Linux admin, so for bonus points, I spent sometime doing ‘vimtutor.’ Moving forward I will be using vim excursively on this project. I’ve got a long way to go with vim but I am starting to feel comfortable with it.



Today, I worked on defining my Madlib class, and I setting up a few of the instances that will be randomly selected after the user begins a new game.



Today I made some more progress on my program. I debugged my begin function, I got the random selction working, and I started work on my get_word function. I need to do some thinking on exactly how I want the logic in the get_word function to work. I’m thinking I need to set it up some kind of nested for loops that uses the number of elements in my class instances as a range or something. IDK. A problem for tomorrow.



It has been a few days since I have made time to work on this project. Today I added more madlib txt files and created class instances for them. I hope to have this project finished by Thanksgiving.


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Yesterday I finished my get_word function and today I got it tested. I am on to my print function. I could probably get this finished in the next couple of days depending on how much time I dedicate to it. I might start looking for another project to work on for December.
