My family is planning on getting new smartphones by the time October comes around, but we are now in a whole stir of confusion on wish provider to choose, whether it be T Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, or AT@T. I know that AT@T is shit and is unreliable, so that one is already out of the park, but what about the other 3? Which one is the most reliable and good deals? That's all I need to know
I have found Verizon fairly reliable. When I am camping, I almost always have service. Sprint is said to be updating their network so I am not sure about where they are in terms of coverage. AT&T is improving though. Last I checked, they were way more reliable than they were a few years ago. I would recommend Verizon. I am sure others would disagree though.
I am hearing very good things about T Mobile, and maybe I will go with them because the Nexus 5 is exclusive. I'll research more.
Nexus 5 hasn't even been announced. I would get the Maxx if I were you (thats assuming that you are going to Verizon). I mean...48 hours of battery? Come on...thats addictive. In the event that you are going to T Mobile, I would take a look at the Moto X. It is the closest to stock Android with a few other features.
I'd recommend Verizon, I never lose signal unless I'm stuck in a room made purely of out Logan's beard which blocks all signals from the outside world.
last i checked:
- verizon: expensive
- att: if you do not read through every bill you get they will steal from you
- tmobile: horrible service, no 4g if you care about that
- sprint: never had them but i've heard good things
If you think you might go with Sprint lookup Republic Wireless.