Smartphone for collage

Hi everyone , i will finish highschool this year and i need a new phone and i cant spend 600 $ every year so i need a phone that i can carry around for 3 years ... i don't play games just surf the web and i need to take quick notes. So i have chosen 2 phones . 1st. Samsung galaxy note 2 (i know , cheap plastic bla bla i will buy a case) and 2nd LG Nexus 5. So quick notes battery and to hold for about 3 years. Thanks guys:D

Well I have a note 2 and it is a great phone. I would say maybe the note 2 as it has a bigger screen for typing and if you keep the stock rom it has a number of stock note taking features. The nexus 5 on the other hand is pretty and you would get the latest updates. Also as it is a popular phone you will have no problem finding cool mods for it. 

Well i dont realy care for the looks and i am not so good at mods so i think i will go with the note 2 :D thanks


I would say note due to the Tethering functionality though the nexus series is still a great choice for on a budget high performance devices.

I think samsung is really perfect on you ,cause in Finland where i live there are several people switch using it not only for their samsung huolto but also the quality of mobile phone.

The Nexus 5 is an excellent choice. As a bonus, there are companies in China that produce hardened glass screen protectors that you can buy for about $8 on Ebay.

Reasons to consider the Nexus 5 over the Samsung Galaxy SII:

  1. Higher resolution screen (1080p vs 480p)
  2. Larger Screen (5" vs 4.3")
  3. Better processor (Quad core Snapdragon 800 Pro vs Dual Core Samsung Exynos)
  4. Better Graphics (Quad core Adreno 330 vs Quad core Mali 400)
  5. More RAM (2GB vs 1GB)
  6. Newer iteration of Android (4.4 vs 4.1)