I have been watching a lot of the tech syndicate videos lately, and there has been much talk about infrastructure , mostly about isps and internet related services. I have come across a documentary that has frankly, freaked me the hell out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDMYc1qlhFY . it pertains to manipulation of the power grid and of residents on a criminal level. the last 30 min of the documentary were simply horrifying. i can see many parallels to some of the points raised during your ISP discussions, but one point that is often overlooked is the effect these technologies have on our health. we are currenly living in a world where are brains are soaked in an electromagnetic soup. my question to the Syndicate, can you speak to the gravity of the smart meters, or everyday electromagnetic exposure from everyday items? is this something that you pay attention to yourselves? if so how do you protect yourselves or measure the levels of radiation you are exposed to every day? if there is no standard , no easy way to protect yourself or even be aware of what you are exposing yourself to, shouldn't there be? i develop products for a living in china, and i would like to work with the community to find a way to easily identify , measure and limit exposure to potentially dangerous em fields.
Im highly senstive to emr. I never really noticed how much until I was in large computing labs. The headaches I would get plus the lethargic feeling both in and after being in the environment was really bad. That bad I struggled to drive home afterwards. I then started wearing a whole heap of stones - hematite, tourmaline that are supposed to negate some of the effects of emr on the body. When I wasnt wearing any of them the headaches returned.
So far so good, after close to a year I havent had any nasty headaches from the rooms. Might just be me but the stones helped me a great deal.
I think there is definitely something going on with the amount of radiation around us. Cancer clusters around high voltage lines etc. Loads of alternative info about the subject.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6n-fIHGia8 is worth a watch if your interested.
The whole smart meters thing I reckon is just about more draconian control.
well, as far as cancer, there's a difference between the frequencies that cause damage to DNA, and the frequencies of like, say, gamma radiation. gamma radiation is far, far higher frequencies than anything used commercially, or by consumers. nothing comes close, not even a microwave.
99.9% of all radiation you will encounter is non-ionizing, aside from background radiation.
I have always wondered if wireless devices such as blue tooth headsets, they communicate using radio waves and constantly gaming on a wireless headset, will that expose you to a relatively dangerous amount of radiation after a years of gaming on one daily?
Smart meters causing harm is a myth. You are exposed to much stronger radio signals coming from cell phones and Wi Fi AP's. These meters operate on a 900 MHz frequency, have just under 1 W of power and only transmit ounce a minute. These videos are nothing but idiots talking. They can't control the stuff in your house or watch you through the clock on your night stand. They can just turn off the power to the house that's it.
First off thanks for all the replies, its nice to see peoples varying opinions.
@deejeta i would be very interested to learn about these stones of yours, i have heard of stones sucking up some of the excess vibrations in a mixture of which i forget the name, if you have any more info on this please share. i know in china many pregnant women will wear a speacial jacket to protect themselves and their babies from all sorts of em fields. which i am also looking into and would be happy to share once i have more info.
most radiation is classified as harmful by the amount of heat it creates. or more how much it cooks your flesh. this applies mainly to ionizing radiation like x rays or uv rays and the like. however EM radiation from what i understand effects on a cellular or sub atomic level, the damage from what i understand is no less severe but not as easily noticed or measured. the documentary i spoke of showed blood cells that were severely damaged, mutated or destroyed by these smart meters when in close proximity. there is also mention of DNA degradation over longer exposure. and even some bolder boasts that EM radiation coudl have the potential to sterilize much of the population through over exposure. i can not speak to the legitimacy of these satements but they did seem quite through and concerning, at the very least worth looking into . in short it seems like something that is often overlooked and dismissed as being any potential threat. but i think that anything you expose yourself to in such frequency, be it french fries or radiation , is worth looking into, here is one article that i found that might get you started, if you don't have time to watch the whole 90 min documenatr, (although i suggest checking out 65 min in) .
you can also check out the documentary i saw here. http://vodly.to/watch-2744512-Take-Back-Your-Power
@billgatez, can you post some links to where you are getting your information from? in the documentary i saw they did say that the meters only connected about a min every day, but did not include the fact that they operated on a pulse, so that even if they were connected to the hub for 1 m they still sent out radiation constantly during the day, and also communicating with other meters. also they didn't mention much about controlling appliances in your house but having a more accurate measurement of what appliances were used and when, which could be used to create a profile of daily activity in any given house hold, and that this ability would be increased with newer appliances that could communicate with the smart meters in the future. i do agree that these kinds of videos present a great deal of bias, but your comments seem a bit dismissive, you present some valid points but i would appreciate if you would go a bit deeper into detail and site some sources.
good article - http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/02/24/smart-meter-dangers-real/
Many states like California now require power companies to provide an opt-out program for smart meters. Smart meters can be hacked and allow power companies to charge people more for usage during peak times. I highly recommend everyone to opt-out or fight for opt-out of smart meters for both security and potential health concerns.
Here are some concrete info:
I also noticed The Tek doesn't really cover any Defcon, Blackhat, or unreported newsworthy information as much. It seems no one wants to talk about the insecure Smart Meters.
most radiation is classified as harmful by the amount of heat it creates. or more how much it cooks your flesh. this applies mainly to ionizing radiation like x rays or uv rays and the like.
That is incorrect, the danger of radiation is measured by the degree of ionisation it can create. Heat is a form of infra-red radiation. UV, x-rays and gamma rays have a frequency to ionise atoms, and in doing so, may create thermal energy in the form of infra-red radiation. But UV rays by themselves do not create heat energy.
however EM radiation from what i understand effects on a cellular or sub atomic level, the damage from what i understand is no less severe but not as easily noticed or measured.
Firstly, all radiation is EM (electromagnetic). Radiation will only affect the atoms by ionising them, which in turn affects cells. Mutations can occur from ionised particles in the human body. However, the frequency of EM to ionise atoms is not the same frequency used in consumer telecommunication devices.
but i think that anything you expose yourself to in such frequency, be it french fries or radiation , is worth looking into
The only EM waves that will affect the human body are gamma, x-rays, ultraviolet, infra-red and microwave. Radio and visible light cannot ionise atoms or create heat by themselves. Gamma, x-rays and ultraviolet can ionise atoms, that is why they are dangerous to humans. Infra-red is heat energy. Finally, microwaves can cause water molecules to resonate, thus generating heat (this is how microwaves work).
My tinfoil hat does a pretty good job of protecting me.
On a more serious note, I often wonder if my cell phone is bad for me. I stick it in my front shirt pocked instead of my pants for this reason.
Best to keep it off the body entirely. One has to wonder why the massive increase in prostrate cancer in men (phone in pants pocket) & breast cancer (phone in handbag close to breasts) in the last decade or so. Maybe there is something in that, maybe not.
Also if you read the fine print in any mobile phone manual it says to keep the thing a certain distance from the head.
"The statement that “there is no established mechanism by which a radio wave could induce an adverse effect on human tissue other than by heating” is incorrect, and reflects a lack of awareness and understanding of the scientific literature on the subject. In fact, more than a thousand studies done on low intensity, high frequency, non-ionizing radiation, going back at least fifty years, show that some biological mechanisms of effect do not involve heat. This radiation sends signals to living tissue that stimulate biochemical changes, which can generate various symptoms and may lead to diseases such as cancer.
Even though RF/microwaves don’t have the energy to directly break chemical bonds, unlike ionizing radiation such as X-rays, there is scientific evidence that this energy can cause DNA damage indirectly leading to cancer by a combination of biological effects. Recent publications have documented the generation of free radicals, increased permeability of the blood brain barrier allowing potentially toxic chemicals to enter the brain, induction of genes, as well as altered electrical and metabolic activity in human brains upon application of cell phone RF/microwaves similar to those produced by smart meters.
These effects are cumulative and depend on many factors including RF/microwave levels, frequency, waveform, exposure time, bio-variability between individuals and combination with other toxic agents. Clear evidence that these microwaves are indeed bioactive has been shown by the fact that low-intensity EMFs have proven clinically useful in some circumstances. Pulsed EMFs have long been used to successfully treat bone fractures that are resistant to other forms of therapy. More recently, frequency-specific, amplitude-modulated EMFs have been found useful to treat advanced carcinoma and chronic pain."
The statement that “there is no established mechanism by which a radio wave could induce an adverse effect on human tissue other than by heating” is incorrect, and reflects a lack of awareness and understanding of the scientific literature on the subject.
I never asserted that. I am pointing out that radio and microwave radiation does not possess enough energy to ionise atoms in the human body.
I was a bit ambiguous about the correlation to heat and radio waves so I will explain it more. When radio waves come into contact with the human body, some of the radiation is reflected and some is absorbed. Thus, the intensity of the radio waves by the time it enters the body is a fraction that of the original intensity. If any measurable heat is generated by the absorption, it will be so small it may as well be negligible, especially with telecommunication devices that create very small signals. On the other hand, microwaves with the same frequency as the natural frequency of water molecules, can resonate water molecules and therefore burn human tissue. But these microwaves are not used in consumer telecommunication devices.
So what about visible light? It has a frequency higher than that of radio and microwaves, so shouldn't we all be getting adverse health effects from visible light too? No, we don't because the frequency is still too low, and the intensity is too low to create enough heat.
Would be interesting to see how you (and others) respond to a blind test for this. Just 2 plain rooms, both shielded from outside EMR/Radiation. One room has equivalent doses of EMR and such bombarding it, the other doesn't.
I'd put a million dollars that the wrong room would be picked most of the time. I'm not trying to start a fight dude btw. Just, science.
Is it that important? Dunno if you noticed but the USA is crumbling, Europe is in CHAOS, and the middle east is the same (terrible) and you're wondering why people aren't worried about smart meters? Take another hit eh?
There was just a MASSIVE study that concluded that cell phones are not harmful dude.
Do your own observation! Lets say about 50-70% of the population of North America uses a cell phone. Don't you think then we would be seeing MANY MANY tell-tale tumors on in the temporal, frontal or parietal lobes? Or what about from people carrying their phones in their pockets? Thigh cancers?
I worked in Neurosciences at the largest hospital in Western Canada, and I can tell you there are no mass amounts of cell phone induced brain tumors, it's all hooey.
Massive increase in prostate cancer is DIRECTLY attributable to the fact that men are living longer. Funny you don't mention the FACT that ALL MEN would get prostate cancer if they lived long enough. That is a FACT.
OK. So I actually went to the link you provide at the end.
I'm trying to be gentle. First of all, do you have a formal education or training in reading, summarizing and evaluating Peer Reviewed studies? From your reliance on that article I would have to assume NO.
After a quick search of the "DR" that wrote the article you provided it seems the ONLY thing she is a DR of is ART HISTORY. Try again.
Didnt state any 'facts' mate. Was an observation on my behalf.
International Journal of oncology even acknowledges the risk of non-ionizing radiation.
Plenty of people still around remember the times when researchers and governments said smoking was harmless. Just like fluoride is as well.
I think that there is a great deal of 'fact' that is manufactured to satisfy agendas and stakeholders.