Small windows problems thread

Do you have a link to this? Their site seems like a forum

And you suggested running the Linux version to eliminate the Windows factorā€¦

I appreciate the suggestion!

Iā€™d start with the Windows version first. If canā€™t get a BSOD then I donā€™t see the point of trying it under Linux.

Got itā€¦ makes sense

the windows version is confusingā€¦ LOL I need to read up on how to run it tomorrow

Yeah, itā€™s all command line driven but there is an interactive mode which guides you through choosing the testing options. Feel free to PM me if you get stuck.

I have to use a Windows laptop for work. Whenever I open a pdf it launches with the top bar off the top of the screen. I have to hover my mouse over its icon on the taskbar, wait for the preview to appear, right click (which is on a really shit touchpad without separate buttons, so this normally takes a couple of attempts), move, and then arrow key down until itā€™s all on screen. I have to do this every. single. time.

Linux has never launched things off screen before, but if it did alt+drag world solve it quickly. How can I stop Windows from doing this?

Ughh I think I installed this suite the right way and now my PC is sluggish as hellā€¦ :frowning: I really dont want to reinstall the OS

Backing up nowā€¦ going to reinstall my OS and apps

I had a very interesting weirdness on my work notebook, kept having issues trying to install Libre Office with a very generic error and it turned out there was a Windows Update going on in the background. After waiting for Windows Update to complete I was later able to install Libre Office.

I was looking at my mumā€™s Windows 11 laptop to change her wallpaper settings and I assumed you could get there by right clicking the desktop like you can in Plasma (lol wrong). However what is in the right click menu was an ā€œopen in terminalā€ option. Right there in the desktop, presumably part of the file manager, open in terminal. Not even command prompt. Terminal. So I clicked it and it opened power shell. Windows is gradually turning into a shit version of Linux, I swear.

A lot of times its because the program looking for the dll file is looking in a different location.
Ran into that a lot in xp.
You can search for the file. Select and copy it into the directory where its needed
This usually solves the nag issue and gets your program running

Hirens boot cd has a program in minixp that displays the bsod logs pointing exactly to the fatal error

This user is suspended.
Reason: Consumed disproportionate amounts of staff time

:confused: :wink:

Has anyone used/vetted this?

Thereā€™s a fairly new computer at my work that freezes when the user locks the desktop, or if the user lets the desktop lock itself, its a simple machine with an i3-10100F and an Nvidia G210 for graphics.

First thing i tried was to use DDU to reinstall the GPU drivers, as that seemed to be the issue, no luck, then i changed the power setting on the control panel, again, nothing.

Finally gave in and reinstalled Windows from scratch, all the drivers and everything, and thereā€™s the issue again, i even tried new RAM and another GPU to make sure that wasnā€™t it, but no luck.

Any idea what could be causing this issue? Thereā€™s a dozen computers with the same hardware, running the same version of Windows 11 and none other than this one displays this behavior.

Cant be positive without it on my test benches, but this may be a thermal issue.
Look for all the simple answers first!
For example rear clearance of the tower ,
Too close to wall can interfere with cooling fans.
Electrical / emi., poor filtering in power supply, etc.

Rule out all simple things first.

Software issues, and resource conflicts can make you pull your hair out in frustration!

Activity event logs are your friend here,

Bsod analyzers can point out the instance of the fatal error and what was running at that time.

My latest test was to put the SSD from it on another known-to-work computer with the same hardware set, and still does the same thing.
Iā€™m suspecting there might be a compatibility issue with W11 and the G210, but iā€™m not convinced

Have you looked into the SSD/HDD?

If the machine is on a domain, it might be a GPO conflicting, but itā€™s not common.

You can always use the performance monitor and add counters! :blush:

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