Hey guys! I was wondering if anybody would take the time to throw together a Steam Box, mid-spec build? I was thinking 4-8GB of some 2133/1866 Mhz RAM, an APU, a nice, small case, and enough power to throw in a 650 ti later? Thanks! Oh, budget would be maybe less than $400...
Forgot about the budget, I just put it in
that's exactly what I'm doing over here only my budget is 500$ and were still not quite hitting those specs
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/37Fv0 This should work. The only thing I don't really like is that you really need 8gb's of ram. The apu's Gpu is going to use 2gb's which only leaves you with 2gb and thats really going to be cutting it close. You can dial the ram back to 1gb and that won't be that bad. And truly the gpu in there isn't really strong enough to use 2gb but it's just nice to have a little buffer. If you can stretch go for this: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gskill-memory-f32133c9d8gab slightly faster so that would gain 2-3fps on top of providing some more gpu ram and system ram.
Thanks man! I appreciate it a ton! :)
No problem :)