Slow SMB transfer speeds on Manjaro from Freenas

Intel nics are typically very well supported in linux. At least you can get another model cheap to figure it out. Typically 20-30 bucks on ebay.

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or i got some old mellanox 10gn nics i can send you lol

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Yeah it’s looking like the NIC… very weird.

I just contacted Asrock about this, hopefully they can shed light on the matter. Do you think I should repost this to a dedicated linux forum for support?

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I might test it on an Ubuntu live usb to see if its looking like a manjaro problem vs a linux problem.

Have you used wireshark or any kind of pcap analysis software? To really dig into a driver issue, you’ll probably need that and a trace to see what’s going on. Not that you’ll need to understand the information, but good chance they’ll ask for it if you open a bug.

Also, shot in the dark, are you using a nonstandard mtu?

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Good idea, I’ll check out ubuntu.

I’m not intimate with networking/analysis so I cannot answer the rest of your post.

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Im not either tbh, I’d just be ready for them to ask fit it if you open a bug report either with a stock, manjaro or even the kernel.

So I just tested my steam cache for giggles, and these are my speeds. I honestly don’t know what to think anymore. They’re still about 1/2 the speed I’ve seen, but it’s still better than any other connection.

Screenshot from 2021-01-11 20.56.43

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I still kinda suspect the switch. Maybe flow control is broken in a weird way or there’s some packet loss that certain services can handle better (and Windows)… idk. You’ve got a tough one here.

But I tested it with a direct connection and had the same problems. :thinking: Thank you for your help anyways.

Oh you did? Missed that.

Sorry bud, your computer is haunted.

I’d say open some bug reports and see what sticks.
Bug is fixed in version 5.10.5
Thanks everyone for helping me figure this out.

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