Hi i am having some problems with my R9 270x 4gb again, when playing BF4 i get around 38-45 fps on ultra while other persons are getting much more than my numbers any tips?? i have the card running on 1150 on the core and 1500 on the memory, reseting it to normal dosen't help and updating the drivers or downgrading haven't worked for me. Running the 14.9 driver , also i have tried to enable mantle but that makes everything worse then i get 5-20 fps.
I installed windows again a few days ago and still have the same problem also i have disabled Rivatunerserver from afterburner because i cant play the game with it active
You never mentioned what resolution you're playing at. I'm guessing sub1080p? That seems about right for that card. Btw 4gb of vram on that card is just a waste of money.
Unless he is overheating or his board can't deliver the power he'll be fine.
That being said that is what people are getting with the 270X on Ultra at 1080p. 35-45 FPS in that game at those settings on a sub $200 card (can be had for as low as $150) is very good.
You could have used that $20 for a faster CPU instead of an APU build. That GPU just doesn't have enough horsepower to properly utilize 4gb of Vram.
$20 dollars is the difference between getting a 6 core fx processor or an 8 core fx processor. Or the difference between getting a locked down i5 versus getting an unlocked i5 processor.