Slow down the Net?!?

I am really surprised not to see the slow down the net image and information posted on the tek today.  I absolutely love the content, and firmly believe in the message being sent out.  I guess that's why this seems so odd to me that you are not partaking in the demonstration.  If porhub is on board, and they have absolutely no morals...........

Link to contact the FCC and inform them that we do not want a internet fast and slow lanes.

Slowdown the net info:



+1 maybe they thought they already drove home the message

I have not seen a Internet slow down thing on any webpage. Even when i go the can i haz cheeseburger who i know is on the list of pages taking part.

why doesnt porn hub have morals?

I don't think it would make sense for TEK to take part since it seems most of the community is already aware of these issues. I do think it would be good to put out a special video with links to past videos about the FCC and isps since the most recent videos are usually the top search result as Linus pointed out.

Because they don't show the invocation and pledge of allegiance before the action starts.

Great point! I guess I was just surprised not to see a video released today.  Had to look pretty hard to find the "loading" icons at participating sites.

yeah they really did :)

We had months of "slow down the net" on this forum ;) we don't need any more.



Shots fired.