SlickWraps are completely compromised. All your data is leaked

So I hope no one has used SlickWraps? They are a competitor to the likes of dbrand. Unfortunately it seems that their operational security is so broken that literally every system they have is vulnerable and are still today seemingly compromised.

Data has been pulled of their servers including customer data which includes basically everything so if you’ve used them you may want to update your info, correct any reused password etc.

What’s more amazing is instead of fixing the issue they decided to burry their head in the sand, blocked the hacker on social media, and his medium article deleted (unknown if that was also SlickWraps reporting him).

You can read it all here


This is unbelievable. Thanks for sharing the article, was a really interesting reading.



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Fucking idiots

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All these replies are completely appropriate for the incompetence :smiley:

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Welcome to trumps america where no one pays taxes and the politics don’t matter

It seems to be turning into its own little drama

One thing seems clear from reading into it the last day. SlickWraps seems to be a pretty terrible company.


This is the email they eventually sent to customers


This is the email the hacker sent prior to SlickWraps apparently because of their inaction to inform their customers.

Just got completeness

While SlickWraps have said it doesn’t affect people who checked out as a guest apparently many people are saying the used the guest checkout but still received an email from the hacker.


I used to be just as annoyed with the “hackers” as I was with the company negligence.

But after reading the below too many times:

Before I begin, it is important to note that I have exhausted all other options.

I notified SlickWraps multiple times of their egregious security vulnerabilities which (still) exist on their Magento-based eCommerce platform.

They had no interest in accepting security advice from me. They simply blocked and ignored me

The grumpy cat “good” is the only thing that comes to my mind anymore.

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This is freakin’ hilarious. In a decent world they’d be out of business already.

Wow… Just wow. I would be surprised if they stayed in business.

Thanks @Eden

Here’s hoping the EU nails them through GDPR, then they’ll hopefully go bust.

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Did troy Hunt update Have I Been Pwned ?

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His Twitter account is gone, too.

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Whaaaaat. This shit’s like his job tho

Doesn’t matter. You get got on Twitter.


I don’t even know what dbrand is, but they’re God damned hilarious. They meme hard, bro.

OMG fucking dying
