SLI with different Cards

I'm buying a GTX780ti this week and I already have a GTX670. Now I'm building my brother a PC and I'm giving him the 670 but I still need a CPU, MB and a few urgent things that I don't want to put in later. So back to my question can I SLI the 780ti and the 670, with the 670 just handling the PhysX for games? Would I need an SLI Bridge?


Thank you for your help. 

No you can't. Has to be the same GPU with the same amount of VRAM. Using one card for PhysX won't give much performance benefit and most games don't use it anyway. Most of the ones that do render PhysX on the CPU anyway. 

If you could SLI those cards you would need a bridge, yes.

Ok thank you once again, I'll just put that card away until it's needed.

actually you can, there is a patch for it but its buggy as crap....