SLI config spacing

I bought a second 660Ti to use in SLI and am having some issues on installation. The PCI-E x16 slots on the motherboard leave no space between the card (the first and third pcie slot). I'm wondering if i should just leave the top one as is and see how my temperatures are or move the second card down to the x8 slot to give them both breathing room. My bridge will reach both slots. What is worse, a hot card or the performance hit from running on in x8. if no one has experience with it i might just test both out and see what to do.

I have this motherboard:

if all else fails i might be able to change the cooler to say a Kraken G10 and a all in one system. i could do it to both cards, i have decent space in my case (Define R4)


I have 2 GTX 680s in SLI, one in a 16x slot and the other in an 8x, there is no noticeable performance difference. I've tried using both 16x slots but the noise from the fan was too annoying.

That's what I thought. Thanks for the quick response!

Yep.  PCIe 2.0 x8 will run it just fine.  x4 may be a bottleneck, though.