Looking to see if anyone else out there has a "sleeper build". Im talking about a fully fledged modern gaming pc in an old shabby looking case, preferably a nice beige one. Kind of like mine!
this type of stuff. I saw one online which was fully customized and chopped up inside to fit 2 gpus and use a custom water loop, but on the outside looked very similar to mine.
I use windows 7 and previously i had used the windows classic theme, as well as changing all of the icons to look like win95 icons. as well as changing the boot logo to the win95 boot screen. unfortunately i kinda screwed my os so i had to reinstall it and start over.
If you got one, post it. Also post any old and vintage pc's you might own as well.
But why...Why have all the beautiful high end hardware and tarnish it with this eyesore? I understand stealth builds, because of noise and aesthetics, but not this. This is borderline heresy.
But why? I understand a car because you want it to seem low profile to others while either street racing, or you just don't want it to draw the attention of a thief or maybe the police.
But why a PC? The only people that will see it are the people coming into your house? Which probably already know you have an affinity toward PC's?
I highly doubt someone breaking into a home is going to care what the actual value of the hardware is. As long as they can make enough money for a cheeseburger they are damn well going to steal it.
you're better off just getting a good lock for the room your pc is in. if deterring would be robbers is the goal. but i can see the appeal of having a high end system in a case that looks like it came from the early 90's.
I've been collecting Li ion cells for a while now, in an attempt to them them into an ammunition crate with my cubieboard2 to make a small portable computer. I figure it could run for a week or so with the cells I have already collected, I just have spare space... so I will continue filling it. Is that a sleeper? Its neither powerful, nor beige. However its definitely not what it would appear to be.
at the end of the days the only thing that matter is if you like it or not, people can get very butthurt about what other people think about them or their pc,car, anything
Ugh i hate to say it man but thats ooogly! Deterring robbers with a shitty case is just silly. Anyone brazen or stupid enough to steal a giant computer and monitor are going to steal it no matter what.
I think locking a door to a room is pointless too, one good kick would take a door off it's hinges no problem. When I used to demo houses my co-workers and I would always kick the front door down, kinda like a Christianizing to the dumpster. I was able to kick most doors down in 2 kicks, even with a deadbolt, the frame just snaps and that's it. I have reinforced doors on my house, you would still be able to take those down but at least it gives me time to get to my gun.