Skyrim SkyUI widescreen multi monitor Help please

So for the past few days I've been banging my head against my keyboard trying to find a solution to this problem.

First, if you play Skyrim on PC you NEED to be using SkyUI, it's just the law of the land, even if you don't mod.

I finally got my triple 1440p set up all up and running and adjusted correctly, and while I mainly wanted it for productivity and just for geekiness factor off the scale, as you can imagine, I was REALLY looking forward to playing my favorite game ever on it too.

A quick .ini tweak later and I was away. Trouble is, I ran into those horrible UI and menu problems that so often plague widescreen gamers. Before anyone asks, yes I have been to WSGF, and the only two solutions do not work for various reasons. Haydons Hack tool does not seem to be hosted on the site anymore, but after a bit of searching around I did find a working version- V0.91. This did result in SOME progress as it did fix SOME (not all) of the Vanilla assets, and made the game (just about) playable. However, the biggest problem remains: SkyUI remains huge and zoomed in, making it next to unusable, thats anything to do with your magic, or items inventory. So far, the only way I've been able to play the game is by favoriting a crap ton of stuff then switching between my gear /spells using the working vanilla favorites menu.

Just wondered if anyone knew a way around this? I've seen a few people getting it to work with ini tweaks, but at 3X 1080 at most, and extra info is limited. I thought about trying to fix the skyui esp directly but while I have fiddled with mod making before, fixing it myself is, for the moment, beyond me. There is also no point in posting in the nexus forum for the mod as development stopped a long time ago, and while there was talk of it starting back up, with Paid Mods now removed from S.workshop, that isn't going to happen. I'm starting to run out of ideas. Has anyone gotten skyui working in WS using ini tweaks or any other means? If you have please tell me the values i need to use .

Big thanks to anyone who helps me with this.
