Skyrim Real vision ENB Working?


i have installed real vision enb for skyrim and i am just wondering if it is working like in the screenshots of the mod page.


my results:,Ddx78sQ,OY9mVxz,trG1B4u,d1JSh4d,piRvMWn,NvHWp9X,sIaGJJw,2j5QU2l,teproWm,hW8QBoP,9lWdjlq,IGHSLww,cCjewG5,mmxhJq6,r4QzcCd,mOulySC,lfL3giB,VgKaCVv,NYbsfCK,LfWocVU,LEmv23K,0SGGmNj,KY6YELa,fylfKST,Ko9Rrz0,C7PsCWz#0



my specs:

GTX 750 Ti

intel pentium g3220

4GB 1600 Mhz RAM

i have the  version C of the real vision enb.

i have v0252 of the enb binary. 

thanks for the help.


Yeah, looks like it's working IMO. Sometimes the screenshots on the mod pages include other mods on top. Usually they will say this somewhere in small print. 

I'm using sharpshooter's classic ENB and I found it to be better than realvision, but everyone has their own preferences. Its incredible how amazing skyrim looks with a few visual mods. With sharpshooter you can toggle the ENB on/off and it really shows how dull and washed out the lighting and colours are in vanilla skyrim. Really, any ENB mod is far better than the vanilla lighting. 

I am assuming you have the performance friendly version of version C. If you do not have all the mods that are being used by the author (and he does say which ones to use) you will not have exactly the same screens. Plus, with a 750 Ti, I dunno if you will be able to run the ENB on full settings, and get a skyrim that looks like the screenshots.

alright. MEC-77 i know the graphics engin in skyrim is really basic and that's why the graphics look out dated.

enb are great to fix this.

and DemonX09, i have the full version of option C. i turned off DOF in the config and put the enb boost iin my skyrim folder. i think for a 750 Ti i'm very pleased with my results, i get around 50 FPS MAX and 45 fps 30 MIN all for a  pc i built as my first ever build for $400 AU

i have another question if you don't mind helping me once again, could you link me sweet FX for skyrim or is it this one:

and also can i install SweetFX with an ENB?

thanks. looking forward to your replies.

You can run SweetFX alongside ENB. and SweetFX can also be used in any game. I am sure there are other versions of sweetFX for skyrim other than this one but I never looked into them. Are you using any high res textures in your game?

that's good to hear. no i don't have high res textures. do you recommende any that are good performance?

The official high-res texture pack (through steam) is a good way to improve the look of the game but doesn't tax your system as hard as other higher-res texture packs (like 2k or 4k packs (4k are unnecessary and will most likely just cause continuous crashes due to the 3GB RAM limit for this game))

There are also other mods that are essential which you should probably install if you haven't yet. Check out Gopher's channel on youtube. He has an awesome in-depth skyrim modding tutorial series you should watch. He goes through everything and explains every detail including trouble shooting.

Watch "the beginner's guide to modding skyrim" series.