Skyrim Mods?

Sup People! So I'm trying to do the realistic mod for skyrim and it doesn't want to start up the game. As soon as the skyrim logo and start menu show up it closes. I was wondering if any one had any knowledge on this that could help me out.

Skyrim mod that I followed:

And if you homies have any realistic mods on skyrim that function please share your list with me! Just got a EVGA 770 4GD GDDR5 and i got it just to have skyrim look awesome.


Have you tried using a different version of the enb? In other words if the d3d9.dll you are using is from enb v0.252 try using v0.236 or v0.221. Rolling back usually fixes these types of issues for me. 

Not intended to insult your intelligence mate, just thinking on the top of my head what have caused similiar issues for me, isn't crash on start usually a problem with missing esp's, bad load order or mods not playing well together? Run BOSS and all seemed well? 

If you already know ENB is the problem ignore this, just trying out ENB's on my new rig myself :)

this smells like a bad load order. Run boss and let it fix things for you and manually move what it doesn't recognize. I use this ENB as well, and it is amazing. Also make sure you have all the mods this ENB requires or it will actually be unstable.

Either ENB issue or load order.

both possible fixes have been posted. For ENB you roll back a version of ENB. For the load order use BOSS.

I concur as well, it may be your load order or you may have a missing .esp file or checked a .esp file in the mod manager that is missing.