When i have Unofficial High Resolution Patch enabled the game shuts down at the instant i see the menu screen. I've deactivated all other mods. I have tried it with Unofficial Skyrim Patch enabled and disabled.
I believe you can see the mod load order in the Skyrim Launcher, underneath Data Files. If that does not work, you should delete and re-install the mod. I use Nexus Mod Manager, it's pretty easy to use.
Multiple Mods are overlapping with one Another aka (2 seperate Texture Mods that are doing the same thing) or just any two different mods doing the same thing]'
You've Uninstalled a Mod and there are some left over fragments from that mod still stuck in the game,
You have some ENB FIlters that aren't installed correctly
If you are still having Problems i would just try to Uninstall the Game, Delete the Directory, Re-Install the game then reinstall your new mods you have.
You don't have Bethesda's high resolution texture pack installed. That's the problem. You're installing an unofficial patch for it to fix bugs, but what it patches isn't there.
With these mods i am getting 30fps. I've got a 4770k and an 280x. Logan said the mod worked better for nvidia, is this normal with my setup? if it is ill try another enb.
I would say that's quite normal. I have an HD 7950 (R9 280) and I'd often dip below 30 fps when using Poupouri and 2k textures. Lately, I've been using the performance version of the realvision ENB, it helps the game look quite a bit better than vanilla but doesn't kill my framerate (still often at 60 fps).
It's pretty ridiculous how much better Skyrim runs on nVidia.
yeah its dumb. i have a 770 overclocked to 1298 on the core and 8510 on the memory and my 4760k overclocked to 4.3ghz and with 2K textures and the Sharpshooters ENB I Push frames in the 50s. it dips to the 30s when i run around in the grass though