Skyrim Modding (ENBs)

After watching Logan's video on the mods he uses, I decided to install the Poupouri ENB (First Seed Extended). I followed the instructions on the mod page except that I installed the files in the Data folder using nexus mod manager. Unfortunately when I opened the game, there were black bars (Which i removed using the "No Black Bars" files included with the ENB), and everything looked dark and grainy. I am guessing that this effect is not the intended one.

Any suggestions?

If it means anything, the mod seems to not recognize my GPU, as on the title screen it says the video adapter is Intel HD 4600 or whatever.

Also I have not yet installed the Particle Patch and I am running realistic water two, which doesn't seem to be working either.

Thanks in advance for any feedback on this problem.


well if you have your monitor connected on your motherboard video out it would probably be the HD 4600.

I have a laptop, so it should recognize the 770m by default.

However this is not really the problem.

Did you download the ENB core files and install everything to your skyrim folder? Then drop in the ENB files for  Poupouri ENB also in the skyrim folder? (the folder that cointains the executable file)

Yes, Thank you. It turns out that the ENB is actually intended to look this way, it is just not my personal preference. I have now successfully installed Sharpshooter's ENB.