So currently when I have been playing Skyrim, My Snow texture seem to be way to bright, to the point where it makes me want to stop playing, i have searched many forums and haven't fount anything useful, My skyrim is modded and don't really want to go though the huge list individuality to see if one mod is the problem. Dose anyone know of any mods that darken the snow textures? has anyone had a similar issue?
Any help would be much apreciated
also how can I add photos so I can show my mod list?
It sounds like it's being caused by your ENB if you're running one. Try lowering DirectLightIntensityDay.
Ok, I currently not running ENB but I have previously, and that the same with climate of tamriel i was using but switched out, because it was changing too may things, could installing them and uninstalling them mess with the snow?, I am using the Nexus mod manager to install/uninstall
The only way to find out is to see if everything uninstalled correctly. Did you delete all the ENB files? did you follow the uninstallation directions for Climates of Tamriel? Although I do suggest you get CoT back because its fantastic. I love walking about and suddenly getting plastered by a blizzard, or a thunderstorm. Dynamic weather is awesome, and skyrims vanilla weather system is weak.
Ok, all ENB files were deleted and data files uninstalled, i don't think i followed the CoT uninstall directions, i will try that, yea the weather was good, I'm using enhanced Dynamic weather systems and few other things which make up CoT without the problems i was having