Skyrim expansion packs?

My Mrs is playing Skyrim on the xbox, and I was wondering if she would have to restart her whole game if she put the Dawnguard and other DLC onto the xbox?

No, she shouldn't have to.

Thanks mate, In that case I will downloaded them and stick'em on the xbox. 

Nope, no need to restart.

YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Worked without restart :) 

I said there wasn't any need to restart.  What do you think "Nope, no need to restart" means?


Ah, I see how you could have confused my sentence.  What I should have said is: "No, there is no need to restart." Sorry for the confusion.  :)

lol you should have worded it like this 


Or, I should have just read it with a little more care! Totally my fault, I'm a little messy tonight.....I apologize for calling you a liar, and will name my firstborn son after you as recompense  :)

ha, no worries.  \m/ ^_^ \m/