About 2 weeks ago i brought myself a Nvidia GTX 780. I love this card but since then i have some really strange issues with Skyrim. I can play the game for some time but at some point my monitor goes black and says "no signal" (which means the graphicsgard is turned off or the cable is disconnected) then the image comes back showing my desktop (skyrim had a CTD) and i have this horrible artifacts. When i restart my computer everything is normal again.
Try other drivers for the card. If it keeps happening there could be a problem with it. Even if a game crashes badly it should not cause lead to artifacts persisting outside it afterwards. Dial back any overclocking too of course.
Ok, about a minute ago i had the bug with War Thunder, with the "no signal" on the monitor, after about 2 seconds the signal was back on and i closed the game - this time i had no artifacts at all (!) but my google chrome was not responding for about 5 seconds) i will try the 327.23 WHQL driver and report back... this is so strange!
I also don't think that it is the graphicscard because chrome was not responding (and as far as i know chrome is not connectet to the card) could it be a virus ?
Edit 1:
The scan found nothing. Another idea is that my PSU is not strong enough on the +12V rail, it has 30Amps and someone on the internet said that a PSU with 42Amps on the +12V rail is needed for a GTX 780, the problem is that the card was just over 45% load so i don't think that the power was capped :/ well - i will test the new (old) driver and maybe it's already fixed with that *prays*
Edit 2: Well, it's not the driver - it happend again with another version. I will try to get my hands on a stronger PSU and test that.