Skyrim Audio Extraction

(Sorry if this is in the wrong forum topic, for which I could not decide where it should be)


I was wanting to get the raw audio file of Eorlund Gray-mane saying  "God's be praised" because I wanted to get it so I could set it as my ringtone on my phone when I get a text message.  I just thought it would be really funny.

Thank you for your help


It doesn't look that simple but this would be the way to get the source file:

if you do get it, can you post a link? That's a pretty cool idea!

Okay, I got some of Eorlund's voice files, but I think that the interaction with the merchants, and their voice files are somewhere else...where do you think that would be?



 Use that one program mentioned above, and then use the UNFUZER tool to change it into a .wav file, and it is located in the "malenordcommander" folder and the file name is "wisharedin_wisharedinfosto_000b80c8_1"