Skipping while playing demanding games

Lately i've been having lots of issues while playing demanding games.  It's starting to get insanely unbearable where it makes my games annoying.  Recently i've replaced GPU/RAM/Cooling and the problem still occurs.  I've tried stock clock settings.  I've replaced my Cooler, GPU, and RAM. The issue still occurs.  Now if i play other games like Diablo III, Counter-Strike:GO, and games not as demanding, the issue doesn't occur.  When i play more demanding games like Watch Dogs for instance, it hella skips right when i get into a car and start driving fast when the game needs to load the population,vehicles, and what not.  Sometimes it skips so bad that the audio slurs, and i get a few second stutter.  I'm not sure how to go about this because i've checked everything i could and the major issue i get is kernel related issues on the Event Viewer.  Sometimes i can even get a blue screen from plugging in through a usb.

My thoughts are initially - a possible issue with your PSU or motherboard.

I see you have two displays. What you should do is install a few hardware monitoring programs. Core temp, CPUZ and GPUZ. On your second display open up GPUZ and click on the sensor tab to monitor your GPU. Also, open CPUZ to monitor your CPU. And lastly, open Core temp to watch your core temps (obviously) as well as task manager showing the load % on the CPU.

Now, with all that being monitored on the 2nd display, go and run your demanding games and watch what happens when the stuttering occurs. Watch the core frequency and CPU voltage. If that doesn't change, then watch the GPU voltage and frequency. 

Report back and let us know what you observed.


Oh - one other thing, I've heard that Watch Dogs can use more than 2GB Vram. How much Vram does your GPU have? If it's more than 2GB we can rule that out as a possible cause. Otherwise, it may be that you're simply running out of Vram. GPUZ will show you how much Vram is being used, so keep an eye on that too.

Is it only watch dogs? From what i have read it is a HORRIBLE PC port, texture problems, stuttering. I'm waiting till its patched before I buy.

Watch Dogs isn't optimized for AMD and this is a common problem. It's just a bad port.

Is it really that bad? Wow. Glad I didn't buy it yet...

Would still be curious to see the CPU and GPU loads while this stuttering occurs - see if the poor optimization is CPU or GPU related, or both.

Yet another reason to dislike consoles...

Yes, Watch Dogs is pretty bad atm. Even on my 780 I only get 40-50 frames on all ultra/1080p, with occasional dips down to even 30/20. I'm scared to think what you guys get on your amd cards

Are there any other demanding games you have this problem on? I wouldn't use watch dogs as a reliable benchmark for now.

Also, it may be trivial, but see if your drivers are updated to the newest version.

I'm running a Haswell i5 with a 7950 3GB that OC's pretty good. Would be curious to see how well I can run it but I don't want to spend that much on a game. lol. 

My friend has it and is running an Ivy B i5 and 2GB 680. He hasn't told me yet how it runs on his machine... Maybe he doesn't want to tell me... :P