My son bought my younger son a Surge Controller from best buy , should i be worried of a rootkit on it?
what you’re gonna need to do is throw away that console and build a gaming PC then install Linux and virtualize Windows with GPU passthrough.
It’s the only way…
ya should have declared, No console household, and 70% Linux. I have one windows machine to deal with “Tha Man”
But a real response is preferred from here on out. i want to be able to plug this into my one windows machine. Or do i just return it and get an xbox controller
depends on where the driver is from
rootkit devices are fairly rare in the wild, but if you have to download a driver from a sketchy site then it should not be trusted
i thought these things were chipped
I took a brief look at their website and doesn’t seem a like it’s gonna bring anything malicious. It’s probably just another controller that sets up it’s mapping differently to work with all kind of consoles and PCs. It’s likely not gonna need a driver to work with a PC and I don’t think it’s gonna try to run any exploit, either through bluetooth or USB.
If you’re concerned try to hook it up to a spare machine that’s not online and run a USB sniffer to see what’s going on once you hook up the controller.
Realistically what a controller could do would be act like a rubber ducky and run some kind of command to allow a malicious actor to enter your PC. Other than that there isn’t much a controller can do. It’s not a computer nor does it have the means to exfiltrate data and relay it anywhere on it’s own.
That what i be sayin’ man?