Having used Linux in the past for utility only not my main desktop because I just didn’t have it in me to mess about to make everything work I thought I would give 20.04 LTS a go as I was hanging onto windows for the gaming compatibility with steam games (GTA5, PUBG, etc). I gave up on the idea as I haven’t had time to play a PC game for months.
SO, after a week. I have done all the normal desktop stuff. Spun up some VMs, installed putty, managed files on several network servers, viewed complex stock data on a 4k monitor with duel desktops. No problems with any of that. Although, it struggles with 4k sometimes… But it was worse on windows 10. It did a random power down once. And the battery ain’t all that , due to it’s age.
SO FAR, so good… Now I’m curious about gaming. Can it be done with the minimal messing about. YES! I got GTA5 working out of the box(there is a setting in the steam options to enable ‘steam play’, but that’s as hard as it gets. I have been getting 70 to 100 fps at 1080p on both the built in monitor and my external Philips 4k 43" monitor. It actually runs better than it did on windows. I also found it supports built in VNC desktop sharing and after a quick line of code to disable encryption, that was up ad running like a dream.
I am no trying to get PUBG working but it has failed after the basic install due to a battle eye error (Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: Driver Load Error (31).) I think this is where things get hard again but still. GTA5 on linux, easy install that is the same as windows. I think I have found my forever desktop… Just fix the battleye issues!!(BattlEye punks)