Sister's build help!

Here's the deal, my sister needs a low-mid ranged i made one here can u make a better one for the money?  


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I'll try getting one together, what is the maximum does she want to spend on a gaming rig?

For low-mid range I do think you can get a lot cheaper.

SSD probably not necessary, liquid cooling probably not needed, Win7 Home or Pro is probably a bit cheaper and probably more then sufficient,

Just a suggestion I threw together real quick, since it's way past my bedtime. Don't know if you prefer AMD or if you just figured they're cheaper, but, I'll throw together an AMD rig, maybe I'll jig together an Intel setup tomorrow.

Case: ($54.99)

Power: ($159.99)

Mobo: ($154.99)

CPU: ($109.99)

GPU: ($104.99)

RAM: ($59.99)

HDD: ($59.99)

Storage HDD: ($128.99)

Windows 7 Pro: ($139.99)

CPU cooling: ($49.99)

Total: $1023.90 (Some, if not most, of the products listed have promo codes on them to reduce the price by about 10-20% so and they usually have some sweet combo deals..)

Now, if I hadn't slapped that together I could probably find some better deals, but this took me all of 10 minutes to do so.. Now you have 500 bucks to play with for peripherals.

I'll come back to you tomorrow and see if I can find something better/cheaper or something, or someone else has probably outdone me by then, cause 1000 bucks is still a lot for a low-mid range PC.


"low-mid range"

YOUR TOTAL$1,544.86


so basically a freaking amazing computer, I'll edit this post once I'm done, it should be pretty balanced so its good at EVERYTHING







but that is rather highend, for low-medium end that can play crysis is around 500-600

*cough* fail *cough*