threw it in the wallet with the keys not coming with a strap or anything is a horrible loss of feature like YOU WONT LOSE IT but its not going to be fun to keep track of
i will review the tile tag and card soon as well family just handed me them after explaining why i got the air tag
set up was seam less following the included instructions needing ios 14.5 to use the tag i needed to update
pull the battery pull tag and it will tell the phone to update update took about 30 minutes because release day
set up was 3 taps on my phone and then i tested it BEEPS LOUD and then asking family to hide it and going to the mail box it lead me right to the LOUD BEEPING and my dog was wooing and crying at the hidden tag making that helpful to know
all in all ease of install 9/10
not having a holder 8/10
cost 29$ free 1 hour shipping (should cost but i wasn’t charged) 5/10 because i will need to buy a holder which doubles the cost
using the find my app was a breeze 10/10 for ecosystem
in the end the need of a holder kills this unless you a a deep apple fan tile still is the way to go i hate not having a holder in box or it be the holder
They didn’t even put a hole innit for a loop or ring or anything? Why? That crazy. And you say you have to buy a holder that casts as much again… Getting flashbacks of the monitor stand.
Tile tags work great. Will reply in 3 years to report on battery life
They beep loud and clear. Not so loud that the deaf can hear them but you’ll be able to hear it if you forgot your wallet in the clothes hamper in the basement.