Hi all sorry for no introduction
Let me just keep this simple and fast
Im not english as you gonna see down in the post, so sorry if anything spelled wrong
Im interested in tech stuff particulary linux/bsd.
Im in need you your help
I need to pick parts for a PC and building and since I dont build one in 3/4 years I need some help picking up the parts
The main porpuse of this PC is playing racing simulator games
Im from europe so my currency is either € or £
Basicly the plan is to buy from amazon.co.uk since they ship to my country and I dont pay customs taxes
My budget for PC + Screen is 750€
I already have a case
What I got so far was the following:
I dont need disk since I already have some
But this setup goes a little beyond my budget
I was thinking changing the cpu from intel to amd, but im not acostume with their CPU/APU
Some opinions would be appreciated, where could I cut to keep this in my budget, I was thinking maybe CPU/motherboard
OS: will be Windows7
Thanks for reading this, and I hope you can help me