Simcity (5) Always on DRM legal bypass?

Im going to buy the game shortly, and I have a question:

If I get a genuine copy of the game, and use a cracked launcher when I dont have an internet connection, would that be... wrong? (that is if they manage to create a crack)

Well I don't consider sharing wrong. Do what you like.


lol That's epic!

If you pay for the game then it is yours. Simple as that. Fuck EA and their fucking DRM.

SKIDROW has yet to provide a crack, all they have said is "soon". Hopefully there will be a crack by the end of the week but as EA/Maxis has claimed some of the game simulation is done on their servers, which is insanely stupid. Yeah, might be a while, for now go play one of the older SimCity games, they are pretty good.

Steam should have sales on for thier sim'city' games while the servers are down at EA

If you by a game/movie/tv show episode than you can download a copy of that from somewhere else because you already own and bought a legal copy of it, just as long as its for your own personel use and you don't share it by creating copies and selling or disributing them. But if you use a P2P system to download unless you turn off your seeding 100% than you are technically uploading it and hence not using it for personal use and distributing it which would be against the law. But if you do own a legal copy you can have multiple copies of it and editied versions of such material as long as the original is owned by you. All of this does depend on which country you live in. This is just a basic set of rules. But this is why a lot of games are having EULA/TOS to try and stop this act also. Dont agree to those and you are fine.