Sim card browser

Hey wendel or logan or who ever is in the fourm, Do you think a Web browser that can function off a SIM is possible, I mean the kind of browser that was in the 90s and was just HTML and not JS, CSS, flash, ect. Java card as a language does have the ability to display text, so i was thinking that the ability to display text could be used to give them a basic web page. I thought that would be cool since is on the rise and relatively low band width would be used. My point being in all of this is that a low band width because it's text for crying out loud and we could give the world the true internet in there pockets free of blocks. I dont take any ownership of this I just see this as something that could be revolutionary and I can't program too well and for the moment using a chromebook that I need for school (can¨t dual boot due to admin).
P.S.: Its pronounced omega alpha sigh

Lifeinvader I mean facebook has been doing this for a while now. In south America I think it was they issues facebook sims that could brows facebook on dumbphones.

Yes, but the ability of a sim card would allow that, and the entire internet, also nice GTA 5 reference

Yeah I know it can but they don't, but it is possible and on some scale actually being done. It might be in a more complete fashion elsewhere in the world this just the only case i know of off hand. Hey GTA 5 got it right.

I have investigated SIM cards and they can output text and we could somehow interpert HTML to create basic webpages. Go on to youtube and search up The secret life of a SIM card, it will enlighten thee

I know. It goes beyond basic too but not miles.

But its totally possible, and i'm surrounded by techies, so yeah, and i want to hear wendels and logans thoughts

Or another tek syndicate meber

@Logan @wendell what do you think of having a text based web browser on a SIM card, and do you think it's possible?