Signs of a hard drive going bad

What are some signs of a hard drive going bad? This might be a Windows error but I just tried to open XBMC on my laptop but the process hangs and never opens. When i went to reboot, XBMC launched perfectly. Could this be a sign? I havent heard the Click of Death when I was trying to open the program. The hard drive is about 3 years old I'd say. Basically right after Windows 7 SP1 update was released. S.M.A.R.T. reads as Good via Defraggler by Piriform so it still should be an A. O.K. drive. Maybe I'm overlooking it.

Sounds like a normal Windows error to me. Just as a precaution, always make backups of the important files.

I had plenty of warning that my hard drive was going bad last year because Defraggler gave me a warning about the drive health about five or six months prior to the drive finally going out. Other signs were that I couldn't fill up the hard drive too much, about 300GB of a 1TB drive, before all programs started to run slower, and rebooting Windows took much longer than they used only a few months after I first installed Windows. Oh, and frequently the computer would just freeze and loop whatever the last 0.5s of audio when running intensive programs like games and even defragging.

When it failed, I had everything backed up, so I just shipped the bad drive back to WD and got a replacement in the mail in two days. Reinstalled Windows and currently have 415GB on it with everything running smoothly and Defraggler still saying the drive is healthy. Not exactly the most interesting story but that's ok.

Some signs of a dying hard drive are these below

  1. System Having Freezing Hiccups overall. 
  2. Your system is making your programs "Not Respond" then after a few seconds go back to normal.
  3. System is very slow.
  4. Worst Case Scenario: System Shutting off when at random points.

These are some at least from my experience. Others can point out more.


Ok thanks guys. I was overlooking it.

it stays out late, doesnt answer your calls, calls YOU at late hours of the night, rarely replies to your questions and when it does it's rude and abrasive.