Shutting down cores on 8320e

My Asrock 970m pro3 has full core control in the Bios.
I had read where some could get a higher OC by shutting down a few cores.
Reason for doing this....all the really good players showed up at my favorite time to try another potentially damaging OC.:)
First time I tried 4 cores....All heck broke lose on boot...screen flashing etc.
Second time 6 core....Same but slower flashing.
Maybe I need a bootdisk or maybe lower all the other settings like ram HT NB and all that other stuff.
Was wondering if anyone else has tried shutting down a few cores here?

There is realy no reason for disabling cores / modules on FX cpu´s.
It doesnt help with improving the performance of the other cores of much at all.
Because FX cpu´s dont have 8 standalone cores.
FX 8 core cpu´s have 4 modules with each 2 "integer" cores sharing cache, fpu and a decoder.
Disabling cores or modules will lead to decreased performance in most scenario´s.
Depending on which options your motherboard offers.

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Totally agree
Basically I am just messing around seeing how high of an OC i might get with a 4+1 MB. I came across this at a few of the OC forums.
My BIOS has core control and I thought "Hey this might be interesting to try". Not for any increase in performance but rather just see if I can reduce the amps. I have been trying out several ideas floated in other forums and posting the results here. It was kinda fun to take it to 4.4 without smoking anything and I found out later the VRM shutdown feature does work.
Next thing I intend to try is to bring HT,NB and Ram up and keep them as close as possible at 2500...Need more cooling on the MB first.

Well a 4+1 phase vrm design doesnt have to be crap persee.
It just highly depends on which particular implementation it is.
Which pwm, drivers, powerstages / mosfets, inductors and output capacitors they used etc.
An 8+2 phase board most of the time is basicly nothing more then just a 4+1 true phase doubled to 8+2.
Using phase doublers and adding additional high-side and low side fets,
So that it could deliver more amps.

Basicly there are no true 10 phase pwm´s used on modern motherboards today.
There have been one particular true 10 phase pwm from Voltera in the past on certain X58 motherboards.
The Voltera VT1165 or VT1185, But those cannot be used on modern motherboards today, since they are not VRD12 certified.

As far as pwm´s on modern motherboards goes.
It doesnt get any higher then 8 true phases.

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I'm just surprised the motherboard hasn't caught fire yet

but ya I wouldn't worry about disabling half your cores

I have, actually, because I like to tinker.

You will still require the same voltage to maintain the same clockspeeds, but you'll notice a drop in temperature. This is because, since you are using less cores, you are using less power - thus, less waste energy as heat.

IPC gain isn't worth it, keep all cores for multithread performance. Unless, of course this is all academic for you.

Basically it is just to tinker with it
So far open GL I have gone from stock at 74 fps to one run at almost 93fps at 4 ghz...should have wrote down the settings on that one.
4.4 was easy to get to after I backed off NB and HT but fps was like 78...disappointing. Plus 4.4 is way beyond my cpu cooler. Hit 64C in under 2 min. Still the vcore was between 1.36 and 1.45 so at this point CPU and VRM's are not a big deal....quite happy with both.
Now most of my focus will be on the HT CPU/NB and NB settings.
Most of the OC guides assume a 990 chipset with LLC setting.
The threads I have seen so far seem to be focused on Ghz. Not allot of info on increasing FPS.
So far Cinemark openGL loads quickly though I am open to others.
OC thread is kinda dead. I would like to eventually be able to write an FPS focused OC guide for cheap 970 based motherboards. I like Jayz video but the MB he uses looks kinda pricey.
Did get base clock to 260 but at that setting the SB lost the Hard drive.....that was NOT fun! For an hr I did have one very fast PC:)
Anyhow thank you all for the input. I do appreciate it. Works been hectic so sorry I could not give this thread the attention it deserves.