Showed up at Fry's at 7:30

So I was up bright and early to get in line for two GTX 1080 ti's only to find out that they didn't have them off the truck.. ugh. Said to come back at 2 pm

Anyone else buying today?

I would've been like... 'Uh... Need a hand?!'


"Bitch open the truck i have shit to do"


Lol... Ya but they said they still needed to get them in the system

Someone is lazy... They should have had them on shelves by this morning.


I know they are now sold out of these GTX 1080s but damn the prices you people get in the US! OMG! Under $400!?!?!?

As for the GTX 1080 Ti I don't even see it listed on the NCIX Canada site yet but it will probably be $250 to $300 more expensive than the US.

Oh and OP enjoy your cards when you get them. I want to see 4K SLI ultra settings PhysX On benchmarks from ya. : )


I called microcenter, they said it goes live at 1pm central time.. as for Fry's.. I'm still waiting on that. For sure as soon as I get them I'll post some benchmarks

you should wait for non-ref and their benchmarks. You'll pay less for them, and have more performance.

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I'm getting a couple of evga's and slapping some sexy EK FC blocks on them.

still non-ref pcb's will be better for it.

As long as I can get 2ghz, good enough for me.. besides there may not be any EK blocks for non ref. Maybe classified eventually but meh...

well you seem to have too much cash anyway :)

run some benchmarks, and maybe some progress photos mounting ek blocks.

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Too much? Hell I've been saving for a year for this. EK said it will be about 3 weeks until the FC blocks for 1080 ti's released.

**ugh so turns out fry's has none and driving an hour to microcenter for nothing certain.. meh..