Anyways, about 1-2 months ago while doing some random crap, I noticed windows saying it's creating a new hiberation file in my C drive cuz my temp drive was full or some bullcrap.
Anyways I went to check the file and it's a whooping 20-26GB file. Anyways I remember reading something like you should disable hibernation file to reduce read/write cycles. I've already moved my temp (Evirnoment Varibles) as well as Downloads (mklinked to another HD) so reducing alot of read/writes. Anyways I didn't realize that i had really fast boot times awhile ago say in terms of 10-20 seconds sometimes? Can't remember.
But now it's doing 35+ to 1 minute to boot fully to desktop. Anyways I'm wondering if many of you guys enabled or disabled hibernation files? Vote here: