Should just upgrade or do a new build?

Ok guys here is my current rig. (sans my crappy razer arctosa keyboard lol)


Ok i built it back in early 2012(expect for the 270x which i bought a couple months ago to replace my dead 7970),and i settled instead of wait of waiting on parts i really wanted,and i have had a few annoying problems over the years.


I could go the cheapest route and just upgrade what i have with these upgrades.


or i could go with one of these 2 build i came up with.


Keep in mind that on all the upgrade lists i will be switching out the keyboard for the RGB verison when it comes out,and if i do a new build will reuse only my 270x,headphones,and mouse.



The way i play to use this build is i not only will game at 1080p(sometimes triple 1080p for racing games),i want to start making youtube videos,meaning lots of video editing and rendering,i would also like to be able to stream,also would like to start teaching myself to make music so i can make music for my videos,i also plan in running 6 screens(which is why i need 2 cards)3x1080p and 3x 1280x1024,and i multitask a LOT,i have had as much as 15+ different programs running along with 15+ tabs across 2 different browsers.



What do you guys think i should do? 


I plan to do this around income tax time.


Personally I like your old crappy one ... because it's already paid for but ... speed is just a matter of money.

How fast can you afford to go?????  

Seriously ... I would upgrade the x99 stuff to your existing rig and save a ton of dough. maybe a new SSD & HDD

Well looking at my current paystub, it is looking like i will get around $1500-$1800,cause i will be getting back every thing i put in.

That should fill in your current case and PSU nicely.  just x99 mobo - CPU - CPU cooler - DDR4 ram - maybe SSD & HDD if you don't go too extreme on the remodel. If you could sell your old stuff you could get a monster GPU and be happy for a while.      ?

Or just buy a pair of  R9 290Xs and go that way.

Or a pair of GTX 780ti s.

Or a Titan
