Should I wait for the R9 390X?

What do you guys think? I really need a new build since my current setup isn't doing it for me. If I were to build now, I would go with an X99 build with a GTX 980, but the R9 390X looks very interesting. The general expectation seems to be that this card will perform similarly to the Titan X, but the hype around upcoming hardware has been wrong before and I don't think anyone really knows when the card will officially be announced. When I built my current setup, the original bulldozer cpu was months away from release and expected to be a true answer to the i7, so I went ahead and bought a 990 FX motherboard and a 1090T to hold me over for a generation or two with the expectation of a massive upgrade. I feel like I got burned badly by betting on future hardware because the first gen bulldozer was actually much slower in terms per core per clock performance. Zambizi was an improvement, but by that point Intel was already too far out in front. I could wait to see how it performs when it comes out, but at that point I may want to wait to see what NVIDIA comes out with in response (980 ti). I don't want to be waiting forever.


Q1 is over i'd expect 390x will be around June. 390 arch will be better, than Titan X.

(thus nvidia 980ti, which could be expected to be priced at 700-900$ and performance should be equal or very similar at least to Titan X)

I would say build / upgrade your main system now, and just wait with the gpu till the new 390 (X) are out.

i expect them to be in June aswell, at Computex.

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I'm waiting for the 390x also. I'm patient though and don't really see a point buying anything from red or green that they have out right now since a month or two will go by so quickly.

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This may be my best bet. I think my GTX 770 could hold me over for a few more months. It's my cpu that is really killing me.

Overclock that 1090T, make it last, and pick up a broadwell part at the same time as the 390x / 390.

I wouldn't get a broadwell in the summer. Skylake is scheduled for later this year.

A 1090T and GTX 770 aren't even close to terrible. I think you should get the 390x, and drop it in your current PC. Hold out on the rest until skylake arrives.

1090T has been overclocked, there is only so much that can be done with it. I don't think broadwell or skylake will have more than 4 cores this year. I would rather get a 6 core haswell chip.

If I keep waiting for better hardware to be released 6+ months out, I will be waiting forever because something even better will be 6 months away from release then. Besides, skylake will only be 4 cores this year so I would get a more powerful cpu overall (not sure about IPC) with a haswell-e chip. If the rumors are to be believed, the R9 390X is right around the corner.

+1 to this. Just build it now or you'll always be waiting for something and never build it.

As for GPU, yeah just run the 770 or, sell the 770 and grab a 980. Then, when the 390X drops and if it has the performance you want, sell the 980 and grab the 390. ;)

I think you should build to meet your needs today. Everything else is theory.

I'm a fan of AMD so I'd always have a preference for the red team but if I was in your position I'd build the best you can today but try to leave the widest room for expansion you can. That means get yourself a GTX 980 today with a beefy over spec power supply and then should the 390X not meet the hype get yourself another GTX 980 or if the 390X is far and away the best GPU then you can sell your 980 and go with a 390X or even two of them.

My suggestion is still, if you realy have the workload for an X99 to be worth it.
then i would recommend to build your X99 build right now, and just put in your current gpu.
and wait for the 390 (x)

Thats what i would do.


Just look out for a used 980 or 780ti you'll save alot and get the better performance for dollar ;)

I think I'll build now (within the next couple weeks anyway, I've got a lot going on atm) and use the 770 until the 390x is released. I'll never be able to sell the 980 for retail value, so there's no sense in buying it now just to resell it used in a couple of months.

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Wait for it.. will be a very nice card.. plop in a temp in its place :D

770 isn't that bad so :v

Wait for the first GPU with glorious HBM, first true next generation GPU since the 8800 gtx from 2006.

I do find HBM interesting, but I don't know if it will be as big of a deal as moving from pixel pipelines to stream processors. God I wish every generation had a leap forward as big as the 8800 series was from the previous generation.

390x wont see THAT much of an improvement over the 290x in most cases, often getting bested by the 290x in crossfire.
Though, that being said it will really pull away from -everything- else on the market at high rez settings.
having close to twice the memory bandwidth can do that, and also HBM is easy to scale, they might as well have put 1 terabyte per second of bandwidth on that card, but its not really needed as its much better than everything else regardless.

The 300 launches at Computex so if you are willing to wait until the first or second week of June