Hi Logan and Wendall , i have several hundred dollars and i am wondering what i should do with it . I was wondering if i should upgrade my cpu to a xeon or i7 or should i buy a new triple monitor setup
Current setup? And for xeon you could need several thousand. Be more specific please.
What is your current setup? What kind of display do you have and what do you want?
right now i have a 24"1080p monitor and a 720p 20 inch
my current pc is
8gb ram
GTX 970
FX 6300
diablotek 650 80+ bronze psu
i want either triple 1080p so i only need 2 more monitors or maybe a single 1440p
Well I don't think a 970 will push three displays very well. So if you went that way roue you'd need more GPU power. Personally I'd grab a nice 1440p display.