Hey... I just wanted to know peoples opinions if I should stick with my AMD setup (And keep upgrading), or switch over to a Intel one. I mostly game, program - code, and more gaming. And I wanted to know what would be better for what I do.
current rig:
Fx 8350
gtx 760
2*8 gb corsair ram
going to be switching to either a sabertooth 990fx or m5a99fx mobo
No. It's not worth switching to Intel. Though, Intel can have the advantage in a number of programs and games, it wouldn't be worth the expense for minuscule gains. In some applications, the 8350 can beat the i7.
If your looking at going to the 4770k, I'd stay AMD. The Intel will be faster but the margin, will really be small. If your looking at going to a 4930k and you have programs to use all the cores then I'd consider it. Programing and coding would be a small gain but really putting $500 for a 4770k and good motherboard, is kind of hard to justify for the gain. Gaming, don't even worry. You would gain like 2fps in gaming, maybe. Unless you talk about Arma games which heavily favor Intel, but they are definitely an outlier. I think the better plan would be to take the money you were going to put into a Intel board and processor and put it into the AMD motherboards you had selected. And then you could get a second Gtx 760 or sell the one you have to get a Gtx 780 ti.
For what you do and what your budget appears to be, switching to intel does not look like a practical choice what so ever. You'd be better off upgrading the GPU.
I do photography and a ot of editing. for what I do the FX 8320 works for now. besides you might as well upgrade your FX processor if you want more power its cheaper then going out and getting a new processor and motherboard for an intel processor.
I never said I was man... I'm only a sophomore in high school and I'm taking every programming course my school has. So I'm totally a noob, but I still try to learn everything I can.
i would upgrade to the FM2+ platform and get AMD A10-7850K so you can get into everyone's face about how great HSA is and how it's the future of computing.
Intel is significantly faster in most practical applications, however, for what you do, you won't notice it really besides boot times in everyday use... is it worth spending $500 on a mobo and i7 to upgrade to Intel over an FX 8350? Absolutely not... nor would a sophomore in high school have the need anyhow...
In gaming it will be completely unnoticeable... in programming it would be unnoticeable... the only things I really recommend Intel i7's over 8350's for are heavy virtualization, 3D modeling, and 3D animation... otherwise I'd recommend an i5 anyways...
You won't notice a big enough difference to substantiate the money spent...