Should I send back my GTX 760 and buy a 770?

So a few days ago i ordered a ton of stuff for a PC upgrade, the GFX card I bought was an EVGA GTX 760 4 gb version, the best version you can actually buy on the EVGA website, but what I didn't realize is that I could have bought a 770 for about 30 dollars more, and it really probably would have been the same price considering i also had a 10% discount coupon. Did I make a mistake? I knew the 770's would be a better card, but i always thought 760's were a better deal. I did about 3 days of research before even ordering the card and i immediately hear the negatives afterwards. Apparently the 760 is almost identical to the 670? I would like to here this forums opinion on my decision, and whether i should perhaps return my card and buy a 770.

here is the 760 I bought:

this is the 770:

FYI here is the other hardware I bought:

NZXT Guardian:

EVGA 650 GOLD psu:

AMD FX 6300:

MSI 970 AM3+:

Team Vulcan 8GB (2x4gb):

It depends on what you need it for. If you really need the 4Gigs of vRam, stay with the 760. Other than that I'd be allll over the 770. 

Depend's on if you need the 4Gig's vRAM or not, if you don't I would go for the 770.Little hint to make your life alot easier on this or any other PC build's online use this:

I'm not terribly informed on graphics cards so this could be totally wrong, so I apologize in advance if this offends anyone more informed than me on the matter.

I think the 770 for $30 more would have been a better purchase overall since it's simply better than the 760. Whether it's worth the price is subjective in all honesty. Now, if you had bought the 2gb 760, the price gap would have been much more substantial and going up to the 770 would have been solely up to whether or not you wanted to pay more for better performance.

The 4gb of VRAM would be really nice for gaming at resolutions higher than 1080p, or if you have games like Skyrim with lots of HD texture mods installed. Of course, VRAM isn't the only factor that determines whether you can game at higher resolutions or not, but it's definitely a major one. Regardless, I don't think either card would handle 4k that well anyway. 1440p, sure, with the exception of certain games that have crazy graphics. But even the really high end cards out there can struggle with 4k in certain games. SLI/Crossfire systems are what really excel at 4k.

If you're willing to go through the process of sending the 760 back, waiting for your refund to process, then buying the 770 and waiting for it to arrive, then I say go for it. Just be aware of "restocking fees." They WILL charge you for it (since the 760 isn't defective), and it's a decent bit of cash. Last time I got charged for restocking, it was for $20. Pretty fuckin ridiculous for such a simple procedure.

I bought the 4GB card specifically because of games like skyrim where i can run many mods, but i still think i will switch to a 770-80 in the future, and possibly if they release the 800 series i could up to that. Does anybody have any experience with EVGAs Step Up program? I could just do that in a few months from now, If it isn't a problem, but it looks a little bit like a pain in the ass.

i'd stay with the vram at 4gb bc of the skyrim mods... im still running a evga 4gb 680 sc with lots of mods on skyrim too... no crashes either... honestly the 760 is fine for you right now, especially if you have more vram to help support games that require more vram or when modding a game like skyrim... and besides with PrecisionX you can OC it even more with the right power target, gpu clock offset and memory clock offset settings. I myself am going to be upgrading the GPU end of this or early next year, once i see what amd and nvidia are launching Q4 2014/Q1 2015... hope i helped... keep slaying dragons

Why not take a look at the R9-280X? 3GB Vram, performs very strongly against the 770 and could cost you less.

I'd say just keep it, upgrade again later down the road if necessary.

The R9 290 is not that much more than the 770.

The thing is, a 2GB 770 is far better for modding Skyrim than a 760 4GB. You should never buy a card for it's Vram before you actually consider the performance.


That's a slippery slope.

Oh damn this killer GPU is only $100 more.. but I'll really need a better CPU to keep up with it.. fuck now my PSU isn't up to par.

It's just too easy to go overboard.

I guess you're being funny.

However, I just want to point out that the price difference between the cheapest 770, and the cheapest R9 290, is about $50. That's $50 for a lot more performance. That's taking into account the $20 rebate on the 770. It would be silly to pass-up.

I'm not sure that there's a higher performing card for a reasonable price increase? The 780ti is $$$ more, which is not even enticing. Slippery slope fallacy ;)

I think for now I will keep the card and do an upgrade in a few months in case I feel I need a more powerful card. Thanks for the advice. I might look at some AMD cards in the future also. I've heard many a good thing about the R9 280/290x.

Are you running a Surround monitor set up? Do you want to in the future. Also I have been talking to a few friends in the development community. Although the new consoles are not powerful they do have a ton of memory now and some games coming down the pipe have huge texture packs. And the new engine my office is working on supports this two. With in the next few years 2GB will get filled fast.

I could point to Titanfall for an example. But in that case it has more to do with bad texture compression in a 10 year old engine.

 Also what resolution are you running? And you can SLi with another card down the road. If it was me at 1080 I would spend the extra money on a 8 core CPU. Or get something cheap to hold me over till the 880 is here.

All these are things to consider. But if you want a 770 because its more powerful stop trying to have us validate your decision for you and just get the damn card. Go nuts have fun I'm not going to judge you. Of course everyone was going to say 770.  

totally agree. I bought my gtx 770 for the same price as that EVGA 760 4 gig. I game at 1080p. I play modded skyrim, and I don't run out of Vram, ever. In fact I could probably upgrade to a 1440p monitor and still be fine.