On 11/17/2013 I purchased an asus DC2T R9 280x for $318.49. With the increase of price due to magic internet monies, do any of you think I should sell and get a better GTX card? maybe the 770? I do like shadow play and have wanted to start recording and maybe doing some youtube shenanigans. Ware should I sell? What card should I get instead?
Happy Fraggin!
There's Bandicam that utilizes AMD App Acceleration which is more or less Shadow Play.
If you don't really care for mining go ahead and sell I'm sure there are some poeple willing to play big bucks for it. You can try selling on the forum here, reddit, [H]ardforum, or ebay. The 770 or 780ti (at the most) is the range to look into.
The 770 is a sidegrade, it's worse in some games and better in others. As for the 780, it will perform quite a bit better in some games, but only slightly better or even slightly worse in some other games, and overclocking your 280x can help close the gap.
I'd just stick with it. The 7950/7970 and R9 280(x) are really good cards for the price, at least when they were at MSRP.