Hey I got a Corsair GX600 I replaced it with my old HP 460 Watt, keep in mind there was nothing wrong with my old one, I just wanted a more powerful one for future upgrades is all.
Okay I installed the PSU, turns on no problem, 4 hours later the computer turns off and won't turn back on, I tried plugging/unplugging it, triple checked all the cables, everything looked fine, so the next day, it turned on 4 hours later same thing, and now it's today I probably have another 4 hours until it does it again.
Please help I want to buy a 7970 when it's on sale but I can't if im having these issues : / , Anyone who can solve it I will gift you a game that is worth 5$ on steam of your choice, after 2 days have passed with no problems [Honest]
Thanks Guys Please Help I'm Counting on you.
Try switching in your old psu. If that lastes for a day or two switch in the new one again. If problems persist RMA the PSU.
it's overheating, return it
Is the PSU fan coming on at all?
yes to my knowledge it is running fine, but then it randomly turns off I have no idea why, and then it won't turn on until the next day
Btw, what does RMA mean, also how would I return it, I bought it from newegg and its a corsair so who do I call, and do they pay the shipping
I go straight to the manufacturer.
RMA means return merchandise athorization, and when you get your RMA approved, you pay the shipping and send your product for replacement or repair.
Thanks, if it dies one more time do you think I should return it, if not should I look for a solution and assume that this will keep happening if I can't solve it?
newegg is a little different. if it's within the return window (usually 30 days), the manufacturer will just tell you to send it to newegg.
when your in your "my orders" page on newegg, there is a link, called "Returns (RMA)", in the sidebar. that should bring you to the page where you can begin the RMA process.
otherwise, call newegg support.
if you file an RMA, they usually pay shipping, so they just email you a shipping label you need to print out and tape to the package. you may have to drop it off at a dropoff point, but they'll let you know where they are if that is the case.
If it dies again should I RMA it?
If it keeps dying just rma it already no need to wait for things to get worse.
It can be tedious and damn right annoying but do you really want to be out of pocket with a faulty PSU.
it's dying now, why bother waiting
what's happening (probably) is the internal componants are heating up until they reach either a point of failure or until a safty mechanism is triggered (apperantly it reaches this temperature after about 4 hours of use), so it shuts its self off/ dies, after you leave it for a while it cools down and the parts resume operating normal until you start using it again and it heats right back up to failure
someone once said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, this man was a retard who needed a dictionary, but you get the idea
Lol not to poke fun at but if I wait long enough my hardware will last forever.*sacasm*
Many moons ago I had a PSU go weird on me and upon replacing the PSU, I investigated and I found some of the capicitors had blown.
The funny thing was up until that upgrade point it was fine, they don't make them like that anymore.><
It was an Antec PSU so luckily there fail safes if they implemented any did the trick.;)
@overlordnick If I RMA it and they send me a new one will I have the same issue, or was that one just faulty you think? Becasue it had good reviews and corsair is a trusted brand
you shouldn't, then again some people are doa magnets
i have a cx600 that hasn't given me any problems
just make sure before you return it that you put in your old one and make sure that it fuctions normally, that it couldn't be anything else, or that it didn't fry anything
@overlordnick Again sorry to bother you but who should I contact to return it, I bought it from Newegg btw
How long ago did you buy it? If it's less than 30 days since you bought it start an RMA on their website. If not go the Corsair website directly.
Alright thanks for all your help guys